Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia
Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity
ISSN 1379-9878
Method of peer review
single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist
Patristics, Fathers of the Church, Medieval Christian Literature, Theology, Manuscript Studies, Commented editions, History of Christianity, Medieval Latin Literature, Commentaries, Critical Studies, Research Tools
Accepts Contributions in Open Access
Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia. Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity publishes reference works and seminal studies on patristic and medieval authors and subjects. Founded by Dom Eligius Dekkers († 1998) as Instrumenta Patristica, its initial aim was to offer a series of tools for scholars of patristic studies, with an emphasis on manuscript catalogues and bibliographical directories of major authors such as Origen, Augustine, and Jerome. As Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, the series has widened its scope to include medieval Christianity. It now welcomes all studies that are instrumental to research on the inheritance of Christianity before 1500 AD.
editionibus curandis praesunt
Gert Partoens
Alexander Andrée
Rita Beyers
Emanuela Colombi
Georges Declercq
Jeroen Deploige
Paul-Augustin Deproost
Greti Dinkova-Bruun
Anthony Dupont
Jacques Elfassi
Guy Guldentops
Hugh Houghton
Mathijs Lamberigts
Johan Leemans
Paul Mattei
Marco Petoletti
Dominique Poirel
Bram Roosen
Kees Schepers
Paul Tombeur
Toon Van Hal
Marc Van Uytfanghe
Wim Verbaaluoluminibus parandis operam dant
Tim Denecker
Bart Janssens
Christine Vande Veire
Julian Yolles
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