Vox praedicatoris
Latin Patristic Sermons, Their Transmission, and Their Reception (4th-15th Centuries)
Nicolas De Maeyer, Gert Partoens, Shari Boodts, Anthony Dupont (eds)
- Pages: approx. 820 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:9 b/w, 2 col., 42 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English, French, Spanish
- Publication Year:2025
- ISBN: 978-2-503-61325-3
- Hardback
- Forthcoming (Apr/25)
- ISBN: 978-2-503-61326-0
- E-book
- Forthcoming
*How to pre-order?
The nineteen articles in this collective volume focus on the transmission, critical edition, interpretation, and reception of Latin Patristic sermons, and particularly those of the African Church Father Augustine of Hippo
Nicolas De Maeyer is Senior Postdoctoral Researcher of the FWO Vlaanderen at KU Leuven. His research focuses on the manuscript transmission, critical edition, and reception of Patristic literature, especially the writings of Augustine of Hippo.
Gert Partoens is Professor of Latin Literature at KU Leuven and director of the Latin series of Corpus Christianorum. His research is focused on the transmission of Latin Patristic texts in general and on that of Augustine’s sermons in particular.
Shari Boodts is Assistant Professor of Medieval History affiliated with the Chair of Ancient and Medieval History at the Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). She studies the medieval transmission and reception of Latin Patristic preaching using computational methods of analysis.
Anthony Dupont is Research Professor in Christian Antiquity affiliated with the Research Unit History of Church and Theology at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven. His scholarly pursuits center on the concepts of divine grace and human freedom in the oeuvre of Augustine of Hippo.
This volume presents the proceedings of the conference ‘Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on St. Augustine’s Sermons’ (8-10 December 2021). The nineteen articles collected here focus on the transmission, critical edition, interpretation, and reception of Latin Patristic sermons, and particularly the sermons of the African Church Father Augustine of Hippo. By combining philological, exegetical, theological, rhetorical, and historical approaches, this volume aims to demonstrate the value of these sermons as a key source for understanding the Early Christian Church. The volume forms a sequel to the proceedings of the previous three Ministerium Sermonis conferences (Leuven-Turnhout 2008, Rome 2011, Malta 2015), which have also been published in the series Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaeualia (subseries Ministerium Sermonis I, II, III).
Augustine as Political Orator (Gillian Clark)
Augustin admoneste ses fidèles après une émeute. Édition critique du s. 302 auctus (François Dolbeau)
An Unidentified Fragment of a Lost Augustinian Sermon Preserved in the Collection De quattuor uirtutibus caritatis (s. 73 ad fratres in eremo) (Clemens Weidmann)
Quels sermons d’Augustin Isidore de Séville connaissait-il ? (Jacques Elfassi)
Nouvelles hypothèses sur l’origine de la « collection » De bono coniugali (Jérémy Delmulle)
The Octoginta homiliae Collection: A Witness of the Early Reception of Augustine’s Preaching (Matthieu Pignot)
A Chapter in the Transmission of the Quinquaginta homiliae in Present-Day Belgium and Northern France (Gert Partoens)
The Homiliary of Bellevaux (Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Lat. 248): Analysis of the Sources, Structure, and Stemmatical Relations of its First Part (Items 1-32) (Nicolas De Maeyer)
Augustine’s Sermons in the Hands of Medieval Compilers: Notes on the Role of Sermones ad Populum and Tractatus in Iohannem in the Customization of Liturgical Sermon Collections (Riccardo Macchioro)
« Quid est quod dicunt christiani : “Crede, crede” ? ». Augustin en dialogue avec les païens dans le s. Dolbeau 25 (Isabelle Bochet)
« Sois attentif à ce qui t’est dit, pas à celui qui le dit » (en. Ps. 36, 3, 20). Sur la réponse augustinienne à la théologie donatiste de la prédication (Marie Pauliat)
Homiletical Instruction and Communal Exegesis: Augustine and his Congregation in the Early Anti-Manichaean Sermons (Thomas Clemmons)
Metaphilosophy in Augustine’s Sermons (Giovanni Catapano)
The Personal Union of Christ and the Church in Augustine’s Sermons: Foundations, Applications, Implications (J. Patout Burns)
Ambrosian Influence on Hippo’s Pulpit: Iob 14, 4 and Ps. 50, 7 in the Sermons of Augustine (Anthony Dupont)
Towards a Better Ciuitas: A Rhetoric of Civic Values in the Preaching of Augustine of Hippo and Maximus of Turin (Merel De Bruin – Van de Beek)
Praeclara pulchritudo uirtutis: Suffering, Endurance, and the Aesthetics of Manliness in De excidio urbis (Joshua Benjamins)
Salvian the Homilist: A Fifth-Century Gallic Magister and his Audience (Christopher M. Blunda)
El texto de Eph. 4, 3 en los Sermones ad populum de Agustín. Imágenes de la Iglesia en un contexto antidonatista (Enrique A. Eguiarte)