Media latinitas, a collection of essays to mark the occasion of the retirement of L.J....
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Book Series
Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 75
Praedicatio Patrum
Studies on Preaching in Late Antique North Africa
Gert Partoens, Anthony Dupont, Shari Boodts (eds)
- Pages: 483 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:1 col.
- Language(s):English, French, German
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57017-4
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57018-1
- E-book
- Available
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference “Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on North African Patristic Sermons” (Malta, 8-10 April 2015) and hopes to give a new impetus to the study of late antique African preaching.
The editors are members of the research units "History of Church and Theology" and "Literary Studies: Latin Literature" of KU Leuven.
The editors are members of the research units "History of Church and Theology" and "Literary Studies: Latin Literature" of KU Leuven (Belgium).
Shari Boodts is currently Senior Researcher at the Institute for Historical, Literary, and Cultural Studies (HLCS) at Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands).
- François DOLBEAU, Sermons « africains » : critères de localisation et exemple des sermons pour l’Ascension
- Gert PARTOENS, A Medieval French Homiliary? A New Look at the Collectio Colbertina (Paris, BN lat. 3798)
- Shari BOODTS – Nicolas DE MAEYER, The Collectio Armamentarii (Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 175). Status quaestionis and new avenues of research
- Clemens WEIDMANN, Zur Grauzone zwischen authentischen und inauthentischen Predigten des Augustinus
- Brian Møller JENSEN, Unidentified Sermons Attributed to Augustine in the Lectionarium Placentinum: Reception and Liturgical Use of Augustine in a Twelfth Century Lectionary for the Divine Office
- Luc DE CONINCK, Le sermo 93 d’Augustin: date et circonstances
- Carol HARRISON, Worship as the Beginning and End of Preaching
- Isabelle BOCHET, Le commentaire augustinien des Psaumes pour Idithun: les Enarrationes in Psalmos 38, 61 et 76
- Kevin G. GROVE, Christology, Ascent, and Augustine’s Idithun Enarrationes
- Augustine Marie REISENAUER, Christ Examining, Excommunicating, and Exorcising the Antichrist in Augustine’s Homilies on the First Epistle of John
- Paul R. KOLBET, Rhetoric, Redemption, and the Practices of the Self. A Neglected Mode of Augustine’s Thinking
- Matthew W. KNOTTS & Anthony DUPONT, Augustine’s Doctrine of Predestination in his Tractatus in Iohannis Euangelium
- Alden Lee BASS, Dissident Preaching in Africa: Inherently Violent?
- Roberto SPATARO, The Pseudo-Fulgentius Homilies on Easter: Theology, Rhetoric, Church Life
- Naoki KAMIMURA, Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum and the Relationship Between Identity/ies and Spirituality in North African Christianity