Print ISSN: 0332-1592
Online ISSN: 2034-6506
1 issue/year
Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist
Medieval Studies, Interdisciplinary, Archaeology, Medieval Ireland, Cultural History, Computistics, Literature, Insular Latin, Linguistics, Art History, Religious History, Hagiography, History of Law, Manuscript studies
Accepted Language(s):
Accepts Contributions in Open Access
Peritia is devoted to the advancement of medieval studies in the broadest sense of that term (albeit from an insular perspective), including history, languages, law (canon and secular), archaeology and the ancillary disciplines. It is especially strong on Insular Latin, computistics, and palaeography, and it has carried notable contributions on hagiography, art history and archaeology, literature, Irish vernacular law, and the history of the later Middle Ages. It also has a lively and wide-ranging review section.
Máirín MacCarron
Dáibhí Ó CróinínEditorial Advisory Board
Jacopo Bisagni, NUI Galway
Damian Bracken, University College Cork
Anthony Candon, National Museum of Ireland, Country Life
Nancy Edwards, Bangor University
Anthony Harvey, Royal Irish Academy
Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh, University College Cork
Aidan O’Sullivan, University College Dublin
Geraldine Parsons , University of Glasgow
Robin Chapman Stacey, University of Washington
Clare Stancliffe, Durham University
Joanna Story, University of Leicester
Immo Warntjes, Trinity College DublinReview Editor:
Máirín MacCarron
Potential contributors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to the editors via https://perit.manuscriptmanager.netPeritia publishes articles in English. The journal does not accept submissions that are translations into English of papers previously published in another language. Before submitting, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s peer-review policies and style sheet. These can be accessed at the Guidelines for Contributors page. Papers accepted for publication are double blind-refereed to ensure academic integrity. Peritia is also REF-compliant.
Peer Review Procedure
Peritia is a peer-reviewed journal. All articles are sent to experts who provide feedback on suitability for publication. A peer reviewer may suggest revisions to the article and these will be passed on to the author. We operate a strict policy of double blind peer review. The author’s identity is not known to the reviewer and vice versa. The submitted article should not include the name of its author and self-identification, either in the text or in footnotes, should be avoided.Reviews
Peritia has a lively reviews section. The editors commission individual reviews. Further information for reviewers and publishers can be found on the Reviewing page. The review editors welcome expressions of interest from potential reviewers of individual volumes on the list. However, the journal does not accept unsolicited reviews. The review editor can be contacted at
Guidelines for Authors
Brepols general stylesheet can be found at: & Copyright
This journal offers different licence options. A standard licence gives Brepols the exclusive copyright for all published content. Gold Open Access articles will be published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence. For these articles the copyright remains with the authors. Please discuss with your Publishing Manager if you or your funding body require an alternative CC-licence.Open Access Options
When you opt for publishing in Gold Open Access, we charge an APC of 950 EUR (+ VAT, if applicable), which is designed to cover the cost of our publishing services. This consists of dedicated editorial support; qualitative, rigorous peer review; manuscript editing and professional typesetting; high-quality printing and digital publishing on BrepolsOnline and other leading platforms; guaranteed permanent access; worldwide physical distribution and online dissemination; and worldwide specialized marketing and targeted commercial initiatives.
Researchers from low- and middle-income countries, early career scholars, independent researchers, and other authors who do not have the resources to pay the APC are invited to contact the editor-in-chief.
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Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement
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Bibliography of British and Irish History
Bibliography of the History of Art
ERIH PLUS - European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Index religiosus
International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance
International Medieval Bibliography
L'Année philologique
MLA International Bibliography
Periodicals Contents Index
RILM: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale
Scimago Journal & Country Rank SJR
ANVUR Area 10 – Class A
ANVUR Area 10 – Scientific S(2017)
ANVUR Area 11 – Scientific S(2017)CIRC (A Classification in human sciences & Social Sciences Classification)
Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) journal list 2018, ARC