Peritia 15 (2001)
- Pages: 461 p.
- Size:170 x 240 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2002
- ISBN: 978-2-503-51152-8
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Insular Latin: David Howlett, 'Hiberno-Latin syllabic poems in the Book of Cerne'; Howlett, 'Further manuscripts of Ailerán's Canon euangeliorum'; Howlett, 'The prologue to the Vita sancti Abbani'; Howlett, 'Little lections in Cambrian composition: Vita S. Gundeli and Vita S. Iltuti.
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: Sinéad O'Sullivan, 'The image of adornment in Aldhelm's De virginitate: Cyprian and his influence'; G.T. Dempsey, 'Aldhelm of Malmesbury's social theology: the barbaric heroic ideal christianised'; Vera Orschel, 'Mag nEó na Sacsan: an English colony in Ireland in the seventh and eighth centuries'.
Medieval Kings and Vikings: Peter J. Smith, 'Mide maigen Clainne Cuind: a medieval poem on the kings of Mide; Colmán Etchingham, 'North Wales, Ireland and the Isles: the Insular Viking zone'.
Insular Law, Learning and Culture: Richard Sharpe, 'Were there British bishops at the council of Serdica, AD 343?'; Akiko Tatsuki, 'The early Irish church and marriage: an analysis of the Hibernensis'; Martin McNamara, 'The newly-identified Cambridge Apocalypse commentary and the Reference bible'; Dan M. Wiley, 'The maledictory psalms'; Martin Holland, 'On the dating of the Corpus Irish missal'; Elva Johnston, 'Powerful women or patriarchal weapons? Two medieval Irish saints'; Donnchadh Ó Corráin, 'Some cruxes in Críth gablach.
Art and Archaeology: Ruth Johnson, 'The development of Irish brooch forms and pins in the Viking age, c.850-1170'; David Howlett & Charles Thomas, 'Three sculpted scenes on a stone from Brycheiniog'; Caitríona Devane, 'An ogam-inscribed stone in Ballintaggart'; Cormac Bourke, 'On the Imirce Ciaráin'.