This issue comprises the
Insular Latin
Marina Smyth, The date and origin of Liber de ordine
creaturarum; John Carey, The obscurantists and the sea-monster:
reflection on the Hisperica famina; David Howlett, Early Insular
Latin poetry Ecclesiastical Texts: Critiques and Analyses
Francis Clark, Searching for St Benedict in the legacy of St Gregory
the Great; Roy Flechner, The making of the Canons of
Theodore; David Howlett, The prologue to the Collectio
canonum hibernensis; David Howlett, Numerical punctilio in
Patrick's Confessio
Adomnán, Iona, and Scotland
Mark Stansbury, The compostition of Adomnán's Vita Columbae;
James E. Fraser, Adomnán, Cumméne Ailbe, and the Picts; Miho
Tanaka, Iona and the kingship of Dál Riata in Adomnán's Vita
Columbae; Thomas Owen Clancy, Diarmait sapientissimus: the
career of Diarmait, dalta Daigre, abbot of Iona The Vikings in the West
Claire Downham, The Vikings in
Southern Uí Néill until 1014; Jan Erik Rekdal, Vikings and
Saints - encounters vestan um haf; Emer Purcell, The expulsion
of the Ostmen, 1169-71: the documentary evidence Geneaelogy, Kinship, and Kingship
Bart Jaski, The genealogical section of the Psalter of Cashel;
Rolf Baumgarten, Co nómad n-ó: and early Irish socio-legal
timescale; Megan McGowan, Royal succession in earlier medieval
Ireland: the fiction of tanistry Medieval Politics
Julia Hofman, The marriage of Childeric II and Bilichild in the
context of the Grimoald coup; Immo Warntjes, The alternation of
the kingship of Tara 734-944 Text and artist
Douglas Mac Lean, Scribe as artist, not monk: the canon tables of
Ailerán 'the Wise' and the Book of Kells; Malgorzata
Krasnodebska-D'Aughton, The homily on the epiphany in the
Catechesis cracouiensis
Short Studies and Notes
David Woods, Acorns, the plague, and the 'Iona
Chronicle'; Cormac Bourke, On the Ballach Damnatan;
Simon Young, In gentibus dispersisti nos: the British diaspora in
Patrick and Gildas; Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Old Irish
cétemnide, Latin centumgeminus; Simon Young, A Briton in
twelfth-century Santiago de Compostela