Journal Peritia, vol. 29

Peritia - Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland, Volume 29 (2018)

  • Pages: 288 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Illustrations:2 col., 4 maps b/w
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2019

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-57860-6
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available


    Jacqueline Bemmer: The Duality of Sin and Delict — Penalty to God and Penalty to Sin — A Legal Perspective

    Paul Byrne: Reading Annalistic Obituaries as Biography

    Jessica Cooke: Was Áth an Tearmainn at Shrule, Co. Mayo? The Inauguration of Toirrdelbach Ua Conchobair and the Ráith Bressail Boundary

    Charlene Eska: Rethinking the Palaeography of H in Lebor na hUidre

    Constant J. Mews and Stephen Joyce: The Preface of Gildas, the Book of David, and the British Church in the Sixth Century

    Lars B. Nooij: The Irish Material in the Stowe Missal Revisited

    Seán Ó Hoireabhárd: The Assassination of Tigernán Ua Ruairc, the Last King of Meath

    Lee Raye: The Ugly, Greedy Crane of Medieval Wales

    Peter J. Smith: Stair Mlaise ar Dhairtrighibh déin by Sighridh Ó Cuirnín: a Poem on the Rights and Obligations of the Coarb of Saint Molaise

    Rebecca Thomas: Remembering the ‘Old North’ in Ninth- and Tenth-Century Wales

    Niamh Wycherley: Latin and Irish Words for ‘Graveyard’ in Medieval Ireland


    Charlene Eska: Two Short Notes: (1) The Latin Citations at CIH 847.23; (2) The Date of Section A of Royal Irish Academy MS. 1243 [23 Q 6]

    Cormac Bourke: Slieve Donard and Slieve Commedagh, Complementary Mourne Mountain Names

    David Stifter: The Middle Irish Gosses of Marianus Scottus alias Muiredach mac Robartaig in the Vienna Cod. 1247

    Review Article

    Peter Brown: The Myth of Pelagianism?


    John Bradley, Cóilín Ó Drisceoil & Michael Potterton (eds), William Marshal and Ireland. Four Courts Press. Dublin 2017. 352 pp. €50. ISBN 9781846822189 / Clare Downham

    Michelle P. Brown, Art of the Islands: Celtic, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon and Viking Culture, c. 450-1050. Bodleian Library. Oxford 2016. 234 pp. 122 illus. £25. ISBN 9781851244461 / Michael N. Brennan

    Keith Busby, French in medieval Ireland, Ireland in medieval French: the paradox of two worlds. Brepols. Turnhout 2017. x + 514 pp. €00. ISBN 9782503570211 / Brendan Smith

    Gianluca Caputo, L’aurora del Giappone tra mito e storiografia. Nascita ed evoluzione dell’ alterità nipponica nella cultura italiana, 1300-1600. Biblioteca dell’Archivum Romanicum, Ser. I: Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia 455. Leo S. Olschki Editore. Florence 2016. ix + 351 pp. €39. ISBN 9788822264633 / Enrico Dal Lago

    Leonard Ellinwood (ed & transl), The Musica of Hermannus Contractus. Revised with a new introduction by John L. Snyder. University of Rochester Press, Rochester, NY & Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge 2015. xviii + 222 pp. $85/£55. ISBN 9781580463904 / Leofranc Holford-Strevens

    Thomas Finan, Landscape and history on the medieval Irish frontier: the King’s Cantreds in the thirteenth century. Brepols. Turnhout 2016. xiv + 215 pp. €75. ISBN 9782503542928 / Brendan Smith

    Elizabeth M. G. Krajewski, Archetypal narratives: pattern and parable in the Lives of three saints. Studia Traditionis Theologiae : Explorations in Early Medieval Theology 27. Brepols. Turnhout 2018. xii + 246 pp. €65. ISBN 9782503577111 / Máirín MacCarron

    Michael Lapidge (ed), H. M. Chadwick and the study of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic in Cambridge. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69-70 (2015). Aberystwyth 2015. ix + 278 pp. 12 illus. £30. ISBN 978 0955718298 / Corey J. Zwikstra

    Rory Masterson, Medieval Fore, County Westmeath. Maynooth Studies in Local History 112. Four Courts Press. Dublin 2014. €9.95. ISBN 9781846825132 / Daniel Tietzsch-Tyler

    Sven Meeder, The Irish presence at St. Gall: networks of knowledge in the early middle ages. Studies in Early Medieval History. Bloomsbury. London 2018. xii + 187 pp. £85. ISBN 9781350038677 / Cornel Dora

    Zubin Mistry, Abortion in the early middle ages, c. 500-900. York Medieval Press. Woodbridge 2015. xiv + 342 pp. £60. ISBN 9781903153574 / Lydia Harris

    Kirsten Wallenwein (ed & trans), Corpus Subscriptionum. Verzeichnis der Beglaubigungen von spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Textabschriften (saec. iv-viii). Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters 19. Anton Hiersemann. Stuttgart 2017. 402 pp. 112 b/w illus. + 10 colour illus. €196. ISBN 978 377721747 / David Ganz