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Studies in the Archaeology & History of Upper Mesopotamia & Adjacent Regions

Editor: Marc Lebeau
Publishing Manager: Rosie Bonté
List of Publications

ISSN 1780-3233

Method of peer review
at least two single-blind reviews undertaken by a specialist member of the Board and/or external specialists

Archaeology, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Western Asia, Syria, Material Culture, Urban Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Excavations, Geography, Cultural History, Epigraphy, Prehistory, Chalcolithic Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


Studies in the SUBARTU series, founded in 1995, take an interdisciplinary approach to Upper Mesopotamia from the Lower Palaeolithic up to the end of the Iron Age. Drawing on fields as diverse as archaeology, geography, environmental studies, history, epigraphy, and heritage, the series brings scholars from different disciplines into dialogue and opens up new approaches to our understanding of a region that has for millennia been at the crossroads between different cultures and civilizations. The series takes an open and exploratory approach to a geographical area that encompasses Iraq, Syria, and Southern Turkey, and which forms a bridge linking Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean, while its broad time frame encourages a focus on long-term change, and a reappraisal of established chronologies for this region. Together with its companion series LEMA, ARATTA, ARAXES and OXUS, SUBARTU forms part of the ARWA collection associated with the International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia.


    General Editor

    Marc Lebeau, European Centre for Upper Mesopotamian Studies, Brussels

    Advisory Board

    Maria DA CONCEIÇÃO LOPES, Universidade de Coimbra

    Lucio MILANO, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia

    Adelheid OTTO, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

    Walther SALLABERGER, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

    Véronique VAN DER STEDE, Royal Museums of Art & History, Brussels


    Main Language: English, French

    Additional Language: German

    Single-blind undertaken by (a) specialist member(s) of the Board or (an) external specialist(s)

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

    A detailed stylesheet for SUBART can be found at:

List of publications

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Prices excl. VAT

Violence & Imagination after the Collapse

Encounters, Identity & Daily Life in the Upper Euphrates Region, 3200-2500 BCE Akiva Sanders
ISBN 978-2-503-60945-4 SUBART 52 | 2024 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-60946-1 € 130,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Kültepe at the Crossroads between Disciplines

Society, Settlement and Environment from the Fourth to the First Millennium BC Fikri Kulakoğlu, Cécile Michel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60941-6 SUBART 51 | 2024 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-60942-3 € 130,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Tell ‘Atij, Moyen Khabour (Syrie)

Rapport final de fouilles (1986-1993) Michel Fortin
ISBN 978-2-503-60209-7 SUBART 50 | 2024 € 150,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Settlement, Mobility, and Land Use in the Birecik-Carchemish Region

(Fifth–Third Millennium BCE) Andrea Ricci
ISBN 978-2-503-55508-9 SUBART 49 | 2023 € 90,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-60483-1 € 90,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia in Context

Papers from the Workshop held at the 11th ICAANE in Munich, April 5th  2018 Paola Sconzo, Marco Iamoni, Luca Peyronel, Johnny Samuele Baldi (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59604-4 SUBART 48 | 2022 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-59605-1 € 95,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Interdisciplinary Research on the Bronze Age Diyala

Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, 25–26 June, 2018 Carlos Gonçalves, Cécile Michel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59534-4 SUBART 47 | 2022 € 60,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-59535-1 € 60,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Cultural Exchange and Current Research in Kültepe and its Surroundings

Kültepe, 1–4 August 2019 Fikri Kulakoğlu, Guido Kryszat, Cécile Michel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59152-0 SUBART 46 | 2021 € 105,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Circular Cities of Early Bronze Age Syria

Corinne Castel, Jan-Waalke Meyer, Philippe Quenet (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-55183-8 SUBART 42 | 2020 € 105,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Die chalkolithische Siedlung von Giricano am Oberen Tigris

Die Ausgrabungen in Giricano II Andreas Schachner
ISBN 978-2-503-57536-0 SUBART 44 | 2020 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Integrative Approaches to the Archaeology and History of Kültepe-Kaneš. Kültepe, 4–7 August 2017

KIM 3 (Kültepe International Meetings 3) Fikri Kulakoğlu, Cécile Michel, Güzel Öztürk (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58559-8 SUBART 45 | 2020 € 90,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

After the Harvest

Storage Practices and Food Processing in Bronze Age Mesopotamia Noemi Borrelli, Giulia Scazzosi (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58378-5 SUBART 43 | 2020 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)


A Bronze Age Fortress on the Euphrates Thomas McClellan
ISBN 978-2-503-57995-5 SUBART 41 | 2019 € 150,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Les incrustations en coquille de Mari

Barbara Couturaud
ISBN 978-2-503-57964-1 SUBART 40 | 2019 € 100,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Proceedings of the 2nd Kültepe International Meeting. Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015. Studies Dedicated to Klaas Veenhof

(Kültepe International Meetings 2) Fikri Kulakoğlu, Gojko Barjamovic (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-57522-3 SUBART 39 | 2017 € 100,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age/An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit

(Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida-Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) Elena Rova, Monica Tonussi (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 SUBART 38 | 2017 € 135,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Mille et une empreintes. Un Alsacien en Orient

Mélanges en l’honneur du 65e anniversaire de Dominique Beyer Julie Patrier, Philippe Quenet, Pascal Butterlin (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-54926-2 SUBART 36 | 2016 € 145,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)
Emmanuel Laroche

Études anatoliennes

Alfonso Archi, Gonnet Hatice (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-56672-6 SUBART 37 | 2016 € 145,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Proceedings of the 1st Kültepe International Meeting. Kültepe, September 19-23, 2013. Studies Dedicated to Kutlu Emre

(Kültepe International Meetings 1) Fikri Kulakoğlu, Cécile Michel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-55545-4 SUBART 35 | 2015 € 100,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar

Environmental and Technical Studies. Volume II Lucio Milano, Marc Lebeau (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-53524-1 SUBART 33 | 2014 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar. The 2010 Season of Excavations and Architectural Restoration – A Preliminary Report

Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne de fouilles et de restauration architecturale 2010 Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-54980-4 SUBART 34 | 2014 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Die anthropomorphen Terrakotten der Region am syrischen Mittleren Euphrat im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.

Ferhan Sakal
ISBN 978-2-503-54818-0 SUBART 32 | 2013 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

“L’Heure immobile”

Entre ciel et terre. Mélanges en l’honneur d’Antoine Souleiman Philippe Quenet, Michel al-Maqdissi (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-54500-4 SUBART 31 | 2012 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Khashuri Natsargora: The Early Bronze Age Graves

(Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project I) Elena Rova, Marina Puturidze (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-53440-4 SUBART 30 | 2012 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar

The 2004/2 — 2009 Seasons of Excavations, the 2004/2 — 2009 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-53521-0 SUBART 29 | 2012 € 105,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Seals and Sealings from Tell Beydar/Nabada (Seasons 1995 - 2001). A Progress Report

Beydar Monographs, 1 Greta Jans, Joachim Bretschneider
ISBN 978-2-503-53510-4 SUBART 27 | 2012 € 140,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Holocene landscapes through time in the Fertile Crescent

Katleen Deckers (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-54106-8 SUBART 28 | 2011 € 70,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Die Amuq-Terrakotten. Untersuchungen zu den Terrakotta-Figuren des 2. und 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. aus den Grabungen des Oriental Institute Chicago in der Amuq-Ebene

Alexander Pruss
ISBN 978-2-503-53527-2 SUBART 26 | 2010 € 75,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Atlas of the Assyrian Pottery of the Iron Age

Stefano Anastasio
ISBN 978-2-503-53288-2 SUBART 24 | 2010 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Emar after the closure of the Tabqa Dam

The Syrian-German Excavations 1996 - 2002. Volume I: Late Roman and Medieval Cemeteries and Environmental Studies Uwe Finkbeiner, Ferhan Sakal (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-53320-9 SUBART 25 | 2010 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

A propos de Tepe Gawra, le monde proto-urbain de Mésopotamie

About Tepe Gawra: a proto-urban world in Mesopotamia Pascal Butterlin (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-53002-4 SUBART 23 | 2009 € 35,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Les Echanges du Nord de la Mésopotamie

Avec ses voisins proche-orientaux au IIIe millénaire (ca. 3100-2300 Av. J.-C.) Philippe Quenet
ISBN 978-2-503-52643-0 SUBART 22 | 2008 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Beydar Studies 1

Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-52660-7 SUBART 21 | 2008 € 45,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Bilder eines Weltreichs

Kunst- und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Verzierungen eines Tores aus Balawat (Imgur-Enlil) aus der Zeit von Salmanassar III, König von Assyrien Andreas Schachner
ISBN 978-2-503-52437-5 SUBART 20 | 2007 € 45,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar, the 2000-2002 Seasons of Excavations, the 2003-2004 Seasons of Architectural Restoration. A Preliminary Report

Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles 2000-2003 et les campagnes de restauration architecturale 2003-2004 Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-51812-1 SUBART 15 | 2007 € 50,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Alltag und Gesellschaft zur Spätbronzezeit: Eine Fallstudie aus Tall Bazi (Syrien)

Adelheid Otto
ISBN 978-2-503-52289-0 SUBART 19 | 2006 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell 'Acharneh 1998-2004

Rapports préliminaires sur les campagnes de fouilles et saison d’études. Preliminary Reports on Excavation Campaigns and Study Season Michel Fortin (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-52291-3 SUBART 18 | 2006 € 50,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Les espaces syro-mésopotamiens. Dimensions de l'expérience humaine au Proche-Orient ancien

Volume d'hommage offert à Jean-Claude Margueron Pascal Butterlin, Marc Lebeau, J.-Y. Monchambert, J.L. Montero Fenollós, B. Muller (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-52023-0 SUBART 17 | 2006 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Si un homme...

Textes offerts en hommage à André Finet Philippe Talon, Véronique Van der Stede (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-51878-7 SUBART 16 | 2005 € 30,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Das mittelassyrische Tontafelarchiv von Giricano/Dunnu-Sha-Uzibi

Ausgrabungen in Giricano 1. Excavations at Giricano 1. Giricano Kazilari Karen Radner (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-51581-6 SUBART 14 | 2004 € 30,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Atlas of PreClassical Upper Mesopotamia (APUM)

with a contribution by ALEXANDER PRUSS S. Anastasio, M. Lebeau, M. Sauvage (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-99120-7 SUBART 13 | 2004 € 200,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Third Millenium Cuneiform Texts from Tell Beydar (Seasons 1996-2002)

L. Milano, Walther Sallaberger, P. Talon, K. Van Lerberghe
ISBN 978-2-503-51542-7 SUBART 12 | 2004 € 30,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar, The 1995 to 1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report

Tell Beydar, Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de fouilles de 1995 à 1999 Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-99117-7 SUBART 10 | 2003 € 145,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

The Origins of North Mesopotamian Civilization : Ninevite 5 Chronology, Economy, Society

H. Weiss, E. Rova (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-99119-1 SUBART 09 | 2003 € 140,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Boueid II. A Late Neolithic Village on the Middle Khabur (Syria)

Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Antoine Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-51344-7 SUBART 11 | 2002 € 75,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar

Environmental and Technical Studies K. Van Lerberghe, Gabriella Voet (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-99121-4 SUBART 06 | 2001 € 40,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Cultures locales du Moyen-Euphrate. Modèles et événements (IIe-Ier millénaires av. J.-C.)

M.G. Masetti-Rouault
ISBN 978-2-503-99116-0 SUBART 08 | 2001 € 69,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

La Djéziré et l'Euphrate syriens de la protohistoire à la fin du second millénaire av. J.C

Tendances dans l'interprétation historique des données nouvelles O. Rouault, M. Wäfler
ISBN 978-2-503-51063-7 SUBART 07 | 2000 € 90,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

The Early Prehistory of Mesopotamia

R. Matthews
ISBN 978-2-503-50729-3 SUBART 05 | 2000 € 55,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

About Subartu. Studies Devoted to Upper Mesopotamia. Volume I: Landscape, Archeology, Settlement. Volume II: Culture, society, Image.

A propos de Subartu. Etudes consacrées à la Haute Mésopotamie. Vol I: Paysage, Archéologie, Peuplement. Volume II: Culture, Société, Image M. Lebeau (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-50652-4 SUBART 04 | 1998 € 90,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Tell Beydar, Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994). A Preliminary Report

Trois campagnes de fouilles à Tell Beydar (1992-1994). Rapport préliminaire M. Lebeau, A. Suleiman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-50584-8 SUBART 03 | 1997 € 50,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Administrative Documents from Tell Beydar (Seasons 1993-1995)

F. Ismail, W. Sallaberger, P. Talon, K. Van Lerberghe
ISBN 978-2-503-50539-8 SUBART 02 | 1997 € 50,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

The Archaeology of Upper Mesopotamia

An analytical Bibliography for the Pre-Classical Periods S. Anastasio
ISBN 978-2-503-50416-2 SUBART 01 | 1995 € 50,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)