Assyrian pottery of the Iron Age is a very special topic in Near
Eastern archaeology: it is widely diffused, related to the
expansion of the first real "empire" in Western Asia, and it is
well characterized as far as its typology, manufacturing and
decoration are concerned. Especially from the VIII cent. BC, the
Assyrian policy of settlement in the conquered regions led to a
capillary occupation of most of the available landscapes in the
provinces: the result is a large amount of excavations with
materials dating to this period. The Atlas aims to develop a global
typology that can be applied to the whole Assyrian repertory, in
order to highlight the main types and to define their precise
chronology and diffusion in the various regions conquered by
Stefano Anastasio is in charge of the “Laboratory of
Near Eastern Archaeology” of the University of Siena.
Currently, he participates in the project “Building
Archaeology in Jordan” of the University of Siena at the site
of Umm es-Sarab (Jordan). He studied and published Assyrian pottery
assemblages from Qasr Shamamok (Iraq) and from Tell Barri and a
survey in the Khabur region (Syria).