Proceedings of the 2nd Kültepe International Meeting. Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015. Studies Dedicated to Klaas Veenhof
(Kültepe International Meetings 2)
Fikri Kulakoğlu, Gojko Barjamovic (eds)
- Pages: 257 p.
- Size:210 x 297 mm
- Illustrations:65 b/w
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57522-3
- Paperback
- Available
This second volume of the Kültepe International Meetings collects sixteen papers on the Anatolian and Syrian Bronze Age under the headings "Movement, Resources, Interaction".
Fikri Kulakoğlu, Professor of Archaeology at Ankara University, is the director of Kültepe excavations since 2006 and an expert of Central Anatolian archaeology of the Bronze Age.
Gojko Barjamovic, Senior Lecturer on Assyriology at Harvard University, is a historian specialized in early states, trade, and the political and social history of Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age.
This second volume in a series of publications of the Kültepe International Meetings collects sixteen papers on the Anatolian and Syrian Bronze Age read at the Second Kültepe International Meeting in July of 2015. It anchors the site in the dimensions of time and space by bringing together specialists to present studies on the effects of commercial and cultural interaction in a broad chronological and geographical perspective. Focus is on the period 2500-1600 BCE when Central Anatolia was divided into dozens of densely populated microstates, each centred on an individual urban and palatial institution, but connected through a shared linguistic, material and religious horizon. Tying together this competitive system of peer polities was also a complex network of commercial exchange operated by local and foreign merchants working in and beyond the region. The site of Kültepe provides the best documentation for this international network through a unique convergence of textual, physical and scientific data. This allows volume authors to extrapolate beyond the confines of the site itself to explore some of the foundational technological, commercial, cultural and biological connections that spanned the Eurasian landmass in the Bronze Age under the headings ‘Movement, Resources, Interaction’.
Murat Çayır, The 1997 Kültepe Texts: The Archives of Alaku and Ennam-Anum and his Son Aššur-Malik
Andrew Fairbairn & Nathan Wright, Grinding, Burning and Trading at Kültepe: Archaeobotanical Evidence for Economic Differences between Settlements in Anatolia's Middle Bronze Age
Alessio Palmisano, Drawing Pathways from the Past: the Trade Routes of the Old Assyrian Caravans Across Upper Mesopotamia and Central Anatolia
Jacob Jan de Ridder, Slavery in Old Assyrian Documents
Bike Yazıcıoğlu-Stantamaria, Locals, Immigrants, and Marriage Ties at Kültepe: Results of Strontium Isotope Analysis on Human Teeth from Lower Town Graves
Eva Andersson Strand, Catherine Breniquet, Cécile Michel, Textile Imprints on bullae from Kültepe
Jan Gerrit Dercksen, New Evidence for Beeswax during the Old Assyrian Colony Period and the Ur III Period
Michael A. Johnson, Fikri Kulakoğlu, K. Aslıhan Yener, Gonca Dardeniz, Evren Yazgan, Experimental Smelting of Tin from Senir Sırtı and Hısarcık near Kayseri: Mostly Heartbreak, Some Elation
Melissa Ricetti, Sealing without a Seal: Alternative Sealing Media at Kültepe during the Old Assyrian Period
Alfonso Archi, Metals In Third Millennium B.C.: Standpoint Ebla
Mogens Trolle Larsen, A Complex Business Transaction with Diplomatic Repercussions. The Conflict with Ušinalam
Agnete Wisti Lassen, The ‘Bull-Altar’ in Old Assyrian Glyptic: A Representation of the God Assur?
Luca Peyronel, From Ebla to Kanesh and Vice Versa. Reflections on Commercial Interactions and Exchanges between Northern Syria and Anatolia during the Middle Bronze Age
Fikri Kulakoğlu, Early Bronze Age Monumental Structures at Kültepe
Hiroshi Sudo, Yuji Yamaguchi and Ryoichi Kontani, An Archaeological Assessment of the Kayseri Province during the Chalcolithic Period: New Evidence from the Archaeological Survey Project in Kayseri, Turkey (KAYAP)
Klaas R. Veenhof, Acemhöyük: Seals, Chronology and History