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Nottingham Medieval Studies

Editors: Matthew Hefferan Natasha Hodgson Michael Jones
Publishing Manager: Guy Carney
Publisher: Brepols
View online content List of Publications

Print ISSN: 0078-2122
Online ISSN: 2507-0444

1 issue/year

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by an external specialist (i.c. appointed by the Board)

Medieval Studies, History, Late Antiquity, Reformation, Interdisciplinary Studies, Literature, Archaeology, Linguistics, Art History, Religious History, Musicology, Cultural History, Manuscript Studies

Accepted Language(s):
German, English, French

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


Nottingham Medieval Studies was first issued in 1957 and published its sixtieth volume in 2017. It was, and remains, an interdisciplinary journal for the study of European history and literature from late Antiquity to the Reformation. The journal also features articles in related fields such as archaeology, art history, linguistics, musicology and philosophy. Nottingham Medieval Studies is published once a year.


    Matthew Hefferan, Department of History, Nottingham
    Natasha Hodgson, Department of History, Nottingham Trent University
    Mike Jones, School of English, University of Nottingham

    Editorial Board
    Nicola Royan (chair), School of English, Nottingham
    Christopher King (secretary), Department of Archaeology, Nottingham
    Ross Balzaretti, Department of History, Nottingham
    Helen Barr, University of Oxford
    Julia Barrow, University of Leeds
    Chris Callow, University of Birmingham
    Jayne Carroll, School of English, Nottingham
    Catherine Cubitt, University of York
    Peter Darby, Department of History, Nottingham
    Gwilym Dodd, Department of History, Nottingham
    Richard Goddard, Department of History, Nottingham
    Matthew Hefferan (editor), Department of History, Nottingham
    Natasha Hodgson (editor), Nottingham Trent University
    Judith Jesch, School of English, Nottingham
    Mike Jones (editor), School of English, Nottingham
    Richard Jones, University of Leicester
    Christina Lee, School of English, Nottingham
    Doug Lee, Department of Classics, Nottingham
    Christopher Loveluck, Department of Archaeology, Nottingham
    Joanna Martin, School of English, Nottingham
    Gabriele Neher, Department of Art History, Nottingham
    Sarah Semple, Durham University
    Claire Taylor, Department of History, Nottingham
    Jan Vanderburie, University of Leicester
    Monica White, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, Nottingham
    Emily Wingfield, University of Birmingham
    Simon Yarrow, University of Birmingham


    NMS welcomes submissions dealing with all aspects of the Middle Ages, from the late antique period to the Reformation. The main language of the journal is English, but work in French or German can also be accepted. Papers can be of any length between 4000 and 15000 words, inclusive of references, though occasionally longer pieces can be considered; papers consisting of or including editions of short texts are welcomed. Submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed. In preparing manuscripts for review, authors should avoid revealing their identity within their essays and should follow the Author Guidelines available on this webpage (or upon request from the editors or publishing manager). NMS also publishes book reviews.

    Submissions should be sent to
    Dr Matthew Hefferan (
    Dr Natasha Hodgson (
    Dr Mike Jones (

    Peer Review Procedure
    Each article is read double-blind by at least one, but normally by two external specialists chosen by the editors; in choosing readers the editors take the advice of members of the editorial board as appropriate. Articles may be read by members of the editorial board as well as by external specialists.

    Guidelines for Authors
    The stylesheet for authors can be found at:

    Review copies
    Please contact the Reviews Editor Matthew Hefferan (Matthew.Hefferan.[at] for enquiries about sending copies for review in NMS

    Licencing & Copyright
    This journal offers different licence options. A standard licence gives Brepols the exclusive copyright for all published content. Gold Open Access articles will be published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence. For these articles the copyright remains with the authors. Please discuss with your Publishing Manager if you or your funding body require an alternative CC-licence.

    Open Access Options
    When you opt for publishing in Gold Open Access, we charge an APC of 1250 EUR (+ VAT, if applicable), which is designed to cover the cost of our publishing services. This consists of dedicated editorial support; qualitative, rigorous peer review; manuscript editing and professional typesetting; high-quality printing and digital publishing on BrepolsOnline and other leading platforms; guaranteed permanent access; worldwide physical distribution and online dissemination; and worldwide specialized marketing and targeted commercial initiatives.
    Researchers from low- and middle-income countries, early career scholars, independent researchers, and other authors who do not have the resources to pay the APC are invited to contact the editor-in-chief.
    See our dedicated webpages for further details on our open access options at, and our self-archiving policies at

    Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement

    All articles are digitally archived in Portico


    Bibliography of British and Irish History

    ERIH PLUS - European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Index religiosus

    International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance

    International Medieval Bibliography


    L'Année philologique

    MLA International Bibliography

    Periodicals Contents Index

    RILM: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale


    ANVUR Area 11 – Scientific

    CIRC (A Classification in human sciences & C Social Sciences Classification)

    Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) journal list 2018, ARC

List of publications

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Prices excl. VAT

Nottingham Medieval Studies 68 (2024)

ISBN 978-2-503-60874-7 NMS 68 | 2025 € 76,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 67 (2023)

Special Issue: Centres and Peripheries in Medieval Britain and France. Essays in Honour of Michael Jones
ISBN 978-2-503-60404-6 NMS 67 | 2023 € 73,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 66 (2022)

ISBN 978-2-503-59878-9 NMS 66 | 2023 € 68,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 65 (2021)

Special Issue: Cistercians and Regular Canons in Medieval Western Europe, edited by Claude Lucette Evans and Kenneth Paul Evans
ISBN 978-2-503-59232-9 NMS 65 | 2022 € 66,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 64 (2020)

Special Issue: Female Voices in Medieval European Literatures, edited by Jutta Eming, Caitlin Flynn, and Antonia Murath
ISBN 978-2-503-58749-3 NMS 64 | 2022 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 63 (2019)

Special Issue: Heretical Self-Defence in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages Peter Darby, Rob Lutton, Claire Taylor (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58284-9 NMS 63 | 2019 € 64,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 62 (2018)

ISBN 978-2-503-57859-0 NMS 62 | 2019 € 62,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 61 (2017)

ISBN 978-2-503-57209-3 NMS 61 | 2018 € 60,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 60 (2016)

ISBN 978-2-503-55987-2 NMS 60 | 2017 € 59,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 59 (2015)

ISBN 978-2-503-55388-7 NMS 59 | 2016 € 59,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 58 (2014)

ISBN 978-2-503-55058-9 NMS 58 | 2014 € 58,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 57 (2013)

ISBN 978-2-503-54301-7 NMS 57 | 2013 € 73,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 56 (2012)

Special Issue: Inventing a Path, Studies in Medieval Rhetoric in Honour of Mary Carruthers, Guest Editor: Laura Iseppi De Filippis
ISBN 978-2-503-54300-0 NMS 56 | 2013 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 55 (2011)

ISBN 978-2-503-53660-6 NMS 55 | 2012 € 73,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Nottingham Medieval Studies 54 (2010)

ISBN 978-2-503-53275-2 NMS 54 | 2011 € 73,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)