Nottingham Medieval Studies 65 (2021)
Special Issue: Cistercians and Regular Canons in Medieval Western Europe, edited by Claude Lucette Evans and Kenneth Paul Evans
- Pages: 477 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:60 b/w, 21 col., 7 tables b/w., 5 maps b/w, 4 maps color
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59232-9
- Hardback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
“Overall, the collection makes an important contribution to the study of Cistercians and regular canons in the Middle Ages.” (Hugh M. Thomas, in The Medieval Review, 03/06/2024)
Claude Evans is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga (Emerita). Paul Evans is a faculty member at York University. Since 2000 Claude and Paul have collaborated on the Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Project, working together and internationally with academic colleagues on publications, conferences, conference sessions, and paper presentations.
Matters of Faith and Cistercian Saints
Cisterciens et Chanoines Réguliers: la réforme de l'Église par le retour aux origines – BERNARD ARDURA
Vox de coelis originem ducitis - Aelred of Rievaulx as Preacher on Synods– RALF LÜTZELSCHWAB
The Cult of the Saints in Medieval Cistercian English Houses (xiith – xvth century): A Forgotten Phenomenon– EMILIA JAMROZIAK
Settlements, Expansion and Frontiers
The Cistercians in Marchia Wallia and Pura Wallia: Monasteries, Communities, and Identities – JANET BURTON
Cistercian Abbeys in the Landscape: Settlements, Patrons and Visual Culture in Twelfth-Century Scandinavia – KERSTI MARKUS
Émergence et expansion des Cisterciens et des Chanoines réguliers en Normandie (xiie siècle-début xiiie siècle) – CHRISTOPHE MAUDUIT
The Fragmented Thirteenth Century History of the Beauport Churches in the Dioceses of Dol, Tréguier, Saint-Brieuc and Lincoln: A New Exploration of the Sources – CLAUDE LUCETTE EVANS
Social and Material Culture
Identification multifactorielle du processus d'implantation des monastères cisterciens de Normandie par l'intermédiaire d'un protocole d'étude globale – JEAN-BAPTISTE VINCENT
La construction et l’évolution des prieurés victorins (xiie-xvie siècles, Bassin parisien) : bilan et perspectives de recherche – JULIE COLAYE-RABIANT
Acceptation et refus de la modernité stylistique dans l’architecture cistercienne: l’exemple de la Bretagne – YVES GALLET
‘Missionaries of Gothic’: The State of Research and Open Questions on the Beginnings of Gothic Architecture in England, Scotland and Wales – MALCOLM THURLBY
The Mysterious Paimpol Triptych from Beauport Abbey: A Work by a Follower of the Hans Memling Workshop? – HARRIET SONNE DE TORRENS