Nottingham Medieval Studies 57 (2013)
- Pages: 335 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2013
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54301-7
- Hardback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
The Image of the Tyrant in the Work of ‘Hugo Falcandus’ — GRAHAM A. LOUD
Political Prodigies: Incubi and Succubi in Walter Map’s De nugis curialium and Gerald of Wales’s Itinerarium Cambriae — VICTORIA FLOOD
Women Manorial Officers in Late Medieval England — MARK FORREST
The Anatomy of a Knightly Homicide in Rural Nottinghamshire, 1295 — DAVID CROOK
‘Fer in the north, I kan nat telle where’: Gentility and Provincialism in Chaucer’s Reeve’s Tale — ANDY KING
Nation and Translation: Guy of Warwick between Languages — IVANA DJORDJEVIĆ
Gift and Market in Robin Hood and the Potter — ELLIOT KENDALL
A Nottinghamshire Dispute: English Documents of 1438–42 — THORLAC TURVILLE -PETRE
The Sun in Splendour and the Rose Reborn: A Yorkist Mayor of Lincoln and his Book of Hours — ANNE F. SUTTON and LIVIA VISSER-FUCHS
The Composition and Revision of Sir Gilbert Hay’s Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour — EMIL Y WINGFIELD
Brother Grayson’s Bible: A Previously Unrecorded Book from St Mary’s Abbey, York — MICHAEL CARTER
Memory and Commemoration in Medieval England (ed. by Caroline M. Barron
and Clive Burgess). Saving the Souls of Medieval London: Perpetual Chantries
at St Paul’s Cathedral, c.1200–1548 (by Marie-Hélene Rousseau) — MARTIN HEALE
Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World (ed. by Paul Dalton, Charles Insley, and Louise J. Wilkinson) — DAVID S. SPEAR
The Wollaton Medieval Manuscripts:Texts, Owners and Readers (by Ralph Hanna and Thorlac Turville-Petre) — MIKE RODMAN JONES
Survival and Success on Medieval Borders: Cistercian Houses in Medieval Scotland and Pomerania from the Twelfth to the Late Fourteenth Century (by Emilia Jamroziak) — JOHN REUBEN DAVIES
Gavin Douglas: The Aeneid (ed. by Gordon Kendal) — EMILY WINGFIELD
Reading and War in Fifteenth-Century England:
From Lydgate to Malory (by Catherine Nall) — MAR Y C. FLANNERY
Women’s Names in Old English (by Elizabeth Okasha) — ELEANOR RYE
Epigraphic Literacy and Christian Identity: Modes of Written Discourse in the Newly Christian European North (ed. by Kristel Zilmer and Judith Jesch) — MARJOLEIN STERN