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Yearbook of Langland Studies

Editors: Alastair Bennett Katharine Breen Eric Weiskott
Publishing Manager: Guy Carney
Publisher: Brepols
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Print ISSN: 0890-2917
Online ISSN: 2031-0242

1 issue/year

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

William Langland, Medieval Poetry, Piers Plowman, Bibliography, Middle English, literary criticism, Influence and Reception, allegory, alliterative verse, English studies, fourteenth century, literary history, literary studies, medieval studies, political writing

Accepted Language(s):

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The Yearbook of Langland Studies is the sole journal devoted to Piers Plowman studies. Since 1987, YLS has significantly shaped the expanding critical attention to the poem and its contexts. Each volume - including essays, debate, reviews, and annual annotated bibliography - offers access to the most significant and up-to-date scholarship on the poem and its literary, historical, codicological, and critical contexts.


    Alastair Bennett, Royal Holloway, University of London
    Katharine Breen, Northwestern University
    Eric Weiskott, Boston College

    Editorial Assistant
    Eliza Feero, Northwestern University

    Editorial Board
    Michael Calabrese, California State University, Los Angeles
    Cristina Maria Cervone, University of Memphis
    Andrew Cole, Princeton University
    Rita Copeland, University of Pennsylvania
    Isabel Davis, Natural History Museum, London
    Andrew Galloway, Cornell University
    Simon Horobin, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
    Traugott Lawler, Emeritus, Yale University
    Adin Lears, Virginia Commonwealth University
    Jill Mann, Emerita, University of Notre Dame and Girton College, University of Cambridge
    Ad Putter, University of Bristol
    Elizabeth Robertson, University of Glasgow
    Wendy Scase, University of Birmingham
    Jennifer Sisk, University of Vermont

    D. Vance Smith, Princeton University
    Thorlac Turville-Petre, Emeritus, University of Nottingham
    Nicholas Watson, Harvard University
    Nicolette Zeeman, King’s College, University of Cambridge


    YLS welcomes submissions dealing with Piers Plowman and related poetry and prose in the traditions of didactic and allegorical alliterative writing. Papers concerning the literary, historical, religious, intellectual, codicological, and critical contexts of these works are also invited. Submissions are double-blind peer reviewed. In preparing their manuscripts for review, authors should avoid revealing their identity within the essay itself and follow the style guides given below. The editors are Alastair Bennett (Royal Holloway, University of London), Katharine Breen (Northwestern University), and Eric Weiskott (Boston College).

    Contact Information/Submissions
    Please send submissions and any questions to:

    Peer Review Procedure
    Submissions are double-blind peer reviewed. In preparing their manuscripts for review, authors should avoid revealing their identity within the essay itself

    Guidelines for Authors
    Style Guide: ;

    The stylesheet for authors can be found at:

    Licencing & Copyright
    This journal offers different licence options. A standard licence gives Brepols the exclusive copyright for all published content. Gold Open Access articles will be published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence. For these articles the copyright remains with the authors. Please discuss with your Publishing Manager if you or your funding body require an alternative CC-licence.

    Open Access Options
    When you opt for publishing in Gold Open Access, we charge an APC of 1250 EUR (+ VAT, if applicable), which is designed to cover the cost of our publishing services. This consists of dedicated editorial support; qualitative, rigorous peer review; manuscript editing and professional typesetting; high-quality printing and digital publishing on BrepolsOnline and other leading platforms; guaranteed permanent access; worldwide physical distribution and online dissemination; and worldwide specialized marketing and targeted commercial initiatives.
    Researchers from low- and middle-income countries, early career scholars, independent researchers, and other authors who do not have the resources to pay the APC are invited to contact the editor-in-chief.
    See our dedicated webpages for further details on our open access options at, and our self-archiving policies at

    Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement

    All articles are digitally archived in Portico

    For more information please go to:


    Bibliography of British and Irish History

    ERIH PLUS - European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

    International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance

    International Medieval Bibliography


    MLA International Bibliography

    New testament Abstracts

    Periodicals Contents Index


    CIRC (C Classification in human sciences)

    Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) journal list 2018, ARC

List of publications

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Prices excl. VAT

Yearbook of Langland Studies 38 (2024)

ISBN 978-2-503-61516-5 YLS 38 | 2025 € 105,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 37 (2023)

ISBN 978-2-503-60425-1 YLS 37 | 2024 € 101,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 36 (2022)

ISBN 978-2-503-59858-1 YLS 36 | 2023 € 98,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 35 (2021)

ISBN 978-2-503-59772-0 YLS 35 | 2022 € 91,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 34 (2020)

ISBN 978-2-503-58768-4 YLS 34 | 2021 € 89,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 33 (2019, publ.2020)

ISBN 978-2-503-58318-1 YLS 33 | 2020 € 87,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 32 (2018)

ISBN 978-2-503-58119-4 YLS 32 | 2019 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 31 (2017)

ISBN 978-2-503-57877-4 YLS 31 | 2018 € 82,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 30 (2016)

ISBN 978-2-503-55984-1 YLS 30 | 2017 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 29 (2015)

ISBN 978-2-503-55983-4 YLS 29 | 2016 € 79,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 28 (2014)

ISBN 978-2-503-55212-5 YLS 28 | 2015 € 79,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 27 (2013)

ISBN 978-2-503-54852-4 YLS 27 | 2014 € 78,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 26 (2012)

ISBN 978-2-503-54302-4 YLS 26 | 2013 € 76,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 25 (2011)

ISBN 978-2-503-53656-9 YLS 25 | 2012 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 24 (2010)

ISBN 978-2-503-53274-5 YLS 24 | 2011 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 23 (2009)

ISBN 978-2-503-53090-1 YLS 23 | 2010 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 22 (2008)

ISBN 978-2-503-52784-0 YLS 22 | 2009 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 21 (2007)

ISBN 978-2-503-52737-6 YLS 21 | 2008 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)

Yearbook of Langland Studies 20 (2006)

ISBN 978-2-503-52736-9 YLS 20 | 2007 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) (E-journal)