Print ISSN: 2736-2426
Online ISSN: 2736-2434
2 issues/year
Method of peer review
at least two double-blind reviews undertaken by a specialist member of the Board and/or external specialists
Urban Archaeology, Urban Landscapes, Medieval Archaeology, Archaeological Theory, Urban History, Urbanism, Classical Archaeology, Africa, Europe, Asia, Theory of Urbanism and Urbanization, Urban Networks, Network Evolutions, Urban Communities, Cultural History
Accepted Language(s):
German, English, French, Spanish, Italian
Available in Open Access
Urban societies worldwide have created a remarkable and immense archaeological record, and the material yielded from urban sites, ranging from remote sensing to micromorphology, can tell us much about cultural constructions, environmental issues, and social evolution. The Journal of Urban Archaeology is the first dedicated scholarly journal to recognize urban archaeology as a field within its own right and is intended to provide an intellectual forum for researchers working on the archaeology of urban societies and networks in all parts of the world and across all periods of time. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal welcomes contributions covering a range of subjects, from major new fieldwork at urban sites to discussions of theory and methodology, or wider studies exploring the culture, conditions, and connectivities of urban societies in the past.
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General Editors & Acquisitions Managers
Rubina Raja, Aarhus University
Søren M. Sindbæk, Aarhus UniversityEditorial Board
Shadreck Chirikure, University of Oxford
Manuel Fernández-Götz, University of Edinburgh
Roland Fletcher, University of Sydney
Li Liu, Stanford University
Nadine Moeller, Yale University
Rubina Raja, Aarhus University
Søren M. Sindbæk, Aarhus University
Christopher Smith, University of St. Andrews
Michael E. Smith, Arizona State University
Journal of Urban Archaeology welcomes contributions covering a range of subjects, from major new fieldwork in urban sites to discussions of theory and methodology, or wider studies exploring the culture, conditions, and connectivities of urban societies in the past.
Main Language: English
Additional Languages: French, German, Italian, SpanishContact Information/Submissions
For general article submissions, please contact Sine Grove Saxkjær (jua@cas.au.dk).For proposals of special issues of the journal, please contact the General Editors: Professor Rubina Raja (rubina.raja@cas.au.dk) or Professor Søren M. Sindbæk (farksms@cas.au.dk).
Peer Review Procedure
Double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an exeternal specialist
All submissions to the Journal of Urban Archaeology (with the exception of the Editorial and the Backfill) are initially assessed by the journal’s General Editors, strictly on academic grounds, and if successful are then passed on to external referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. If accepted for publication, the definitive texts supplied by authors will be copyedited by the journal’s Editorial Assistant before being passed to the publisher for production. Please note, however, that it remains the author’s responsibility to ensure the article follows the journal styleguide.
Guidelines for Authors
Contributions can be up to 12,000 words (not including bibliography and captions), and authors can include to 25 illustrations (b/w). It is also possible to have colour, but please discuss this with Sine Grove Saxkjær in advance.Before submitting, please ensure you have read the styleguides used by JUA, available at: https://www.brepols.net/permalink/guidelines-jua.
If your contribution does not follow the styleguides, it may be rejected on those grounds.
Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement
All articles are digitally archived in Portico
International Medieval Bibliography