Journal of Urban Archaeology 6 (2022)
- Pages: 144 p.
- Size:216 x 280 mm
- Illustrations:23 b/w, 49 col., 5 tables b/w., 1 tables col., 4 maps b/w, 2 maps color
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59762-1
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
List of Illustrations
Embattled Cities: The Urban Reinvention of History – Editorial, Rubina Raja and Søren M. Sindbæk
High-Definition Archaeology, Small-Scale Narratives, and Monetary Practice in Medieval Scandinavian Urbanization, Axel Christophersen
Alternative Urban Economies: The Case of Roman Palmyra, Nathanael Andrade and Rubina Raja
Displaying Rituals: Simulating Potential Routes of the navigium Isidis Procession, Katherine A. Crawford
Interpreting Rubbish in the Archaeological Record: A Case Study of Floor and Fill Deposits in House 169 on Elephantine Island, Egypt, Leslie Anne Warden
Becoming Europe: Retracing the Origin of Medieval Cities from Comacchio and Oegstgeest, Richard Hodges
Comacchio and Early Medieval Urbanism in Italy, Sauro Gelichi
The Comacchio Glass Workshop: A Late Seventh-Century Urban Production Site of the North Adriatic, Margherita Ferri
The Backfill