Method of peer review
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The CC Claves – Subsidia series contains reference works that offer a thematic deepening of sections of the CC Claves (CCC) series, to which it is subsidiary.
editionibus curandis praesunt
Gert Partoens
Alexander Andrée
Rita Beyers
Emanuela Colombi
Georges Declercq
Jeroen Deploige
Paul-Augustin Deproost
Greti Dinkova-Bruun
Anthony Dupont
Jacques Elfassi
Guy Guldentops
Hugh Houghton
Mathijs Lamberigts
Johan Leemans
Paul Mattei
Marco Petoletti
Dominique Poirel
Bram Roosen
Kees Schepers
Paul Tombeur
Toon Van Hal
Marc Van Uytfanghe
Wim Verbaaluoluminibus parandis operam dant
Tim Denecker
Bart Janssens
Christine Vande Veire
Julian Yolles
A detailed stylesheet for CCS can be found at:
Consignes éditoriales à appliquer pour la collection CCS :