Basilius Caesariensis
Studies of Basil of Caesarea and his World: An annotated Bio-Bibliography
P.J. Fedwick (ed)
- Pages: 976 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2004
- ISBN: 978-2-503-51667-7
- Hardback
- Available
The whole concept and dynamic of the five-volume Bibliotheca Basiliana Vniuersalis (1993-2004) can be seen in the form of an interlocking structure. There is no proper start nor finish in such a picture, but a wavelike motion leading from one block/particle to another, a very much quantum entity like anything else. Since nothing better illustrates the quantum reality than a picture of a ladder with jumps from rung to rung, so is the BBV. Hence one could say that a ladder-like project, such as the BBV, has reached with this volume in a spacetime continuum warp the final rung in accordance with a pre-planned design. All a matter of convention and convenience rather than intrinsic necessity.
After dealing directly with the manuscripts, editions, translations, my project wraps up with the complete records of the names of those who since the second half of the fifteenth century have published their works and whose records have survived the ravages of time. Cross-listed are here also all the printed editions and translations quoted fully in BBV i-iv. BBV v incorporates further more than just works specifically or exclusively dealing with Basil, —his life, teaching, Nachleben,—, as it covers also many of the studies dealing with the historical period and geographical setting he lived in and which have a bearing on a better and more accurate understanding of his thought and significance. Unlike any other author, for instance Origen, John Chrysostom or Augustine of Hippo, Basil by himself encompasses the vast areas of spirituality, theology, philosophy, linguistics, kanon law, liturgy, florilegia, catenae, painting, gender issues, and in most instances not just implicitely but explicitely. To be sure, if one were to leave out works dealing with the environment, demography, literary genres, gender issues, imperial administration, geography, numismatics, archaeology, palaeography, diplomatics—much would be missing from the true picture of his achievements or shortcomings, in other words, from a correct understanding of his role in history conceived as the carrying out of one's life in a world open to the widest spectrum of lived possibilities.