Journal Food & History, vol. 23.1

Food & History - 23:1 (2025)

Food and Body in Colonial Contexts, 1600-1900

  • Pages: approx. 225 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Language(s):English, French
  • Publication Year:2025




    Food and Body in Colonial Contexts: An Introduction

    The Food Supply Challenges of Remote Siberian Forts: A Case Study of Lensky Fort in the Seventeenth Century

    Gabrielle ROBILLIARD
    Old Foods, New Spaces and Bodies In-Between: Re-encountering Food and Drink at the Pietist Mission in Tranquebar, 1706-1730

    Chechesh KUDACHINOVA
    Scenes of Starvation and Survival Cannibalism: Colonial Food Security and Violence in Seventeenth-Century Siberia

    Markus J. DIEPOLD
    “For They Fed Lustily, Drank Heartily, and were Very Greasy Before They Finished Their Dinner”: The Material Politics of Hospitality at the Lancaster Treaty of 1744

    Kaluba Jickson CHAMA
    “Women’s Stronghold”: Cassava and the Transformation of the Status of Women in Pre-colonial Zambia

    L. Sasha GORA
    Muktuk and Culinary Borders in the North American Arctic since 1867

    Book Reviews / Comptes-rendus 

    Ulbe BOSMA, The World of Sugar. How the Sweet Stuff Transformed Our Politics, Health, and Environment over 2000 years (Boston: Harvard UP, 2023), 448 pp. ISBN 9780674279391. Nicolas LARCHET

    Jean-Louis DURAND, Sacrifier en Grèce et ailleurs. De l’anthropologue et du terrain, in Dominique JAILLARD, Cléo CARASTRO (éds). (Grenoble : Jérôme Million, 2022), 640 pp. ISBN 978-2-84137-403-8. Véronique MEHL

    Lisa PIERACCINI, Laurel TAYLOR (eds), Consumption, Ritual, Art, and Society (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023), 132 pp., 59 illus. ISBN 978-2-503-60215-8. Laura M. BANDUCCI

    Fabien KNITTEL, La fabrique du lait : Europe occidentale, Moyen Âge – XXe siècle (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2023), 211 pp. ISBN-10: ‎2271146445. Fernando COLLANTES

    Anne MENDELSON, Spoiled. The Myth of Milk as Superfood (New York, Columbia University Press, 2023), 396 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0231188180. Fabien KNITTEL

    Daniel E. BENDER, The Food Adventurers. How Around-the-World Travel Changed the Way We Eat, London: Reaktion Books, 2023, 336 pp., 48 illus. ISBN 978-1-7891-757-5. Rita D'ERRICO

    Cyrille LAPORTE, Figures de cuisiniers De l’artisan à l’assembleur (Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2023), 239 p. Collection Histoire des techniques n° 29. ISBN-10 : ‎2406149064. Arthur HACOT

    Stefano MAGAGNOLI, Vinaigre balsamique de Modène. Un goût italien à la conquête du monde (Tours : Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, 2023), 324 pp. ISBN: 978-2-86906-904-6. Paolo TEDESCHI

    Pierre-Antoine DESSAUX, Vermicelles et coquillettes. Histoire d’une industrie alimentaire française (Tours : PUFR, 2023), 312 pp. ISBN : 978-2-86906-901-5. Francesco CHIAPPARINO

    Christophe LUCAND, Le vin des nazis. Comment les caves françaises ont été pillées sous l’Occupation (Paris: Grasset, 2023), 350 pp., ISBN:  978-2246824930. Matthieu LECOUTRE

    Naa Oyo A. KWATE, White Burgers, Black Cash: Fast Food from Black Exclusion to Exploitation (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2023), 472 pp. ISBN 978-1-5179-1109-6. Jennifer JENSEN WALLACH