Food & History - 12.2 (2014)
- Pages: 221 p.
- Size:170 x 244 mm
- Illustrations:17 b/w
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54654-4
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Forthcoming
I. Food consumption, food culture, and the heritage turn
Pork, Beer and Margarine. Danish Food Consumption 1900-2000: National Characteristics and Common Nordic Traits
Tenna Jensen
Entre exotisme et tradition: Bruxelles et ses restaurants italiens dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle
Gaëlle Van Ingelgem
Food Studies and the Heritage Turn: a Conceptual Repertoire
Anneke Geyzen
II. Optimizing diets
Good Food and Hard Times: Ambrose Heath’s Contribution to British Food Culture of the 1930s and the War Years
Phil Lyon
Artificial Infant Nutrition in the Context of Science and Economy in the Late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Centuries
Jörg Vögele, Michael Martin, and Luisa Rittershaus
III. Medieval legal dimensions
From the Bakehouse to the Courthouse: Bakers, Baking, and the Assize of Bread in Late Medieval England
Sarah Peters Kernan
Book reviews / Comptes rendus
Ilias ANAGNOSTAKIS (ed.), Flavours and Delights. Tastes and Pleasures of Ancient and Byzantine Cuisine (Athens–Thessaloniki, Armos Publications, 2013)
By Ewald Kislinger
Alvise CORNARO, Writings on the Sober Life: the Art and Grace of Living Long. Introduction and Essay by Marisa MILANI. Translated by Hiroko FUDEMOTO (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2014)
By David Gentilcore
Allen J. FRANTZEN, Food, Eating and Identity in Early Medieval England (Woodbridge, Boydell, 2014)
By Alban Gautier
Eugene N. ANDERSEN, Food and Environment in Early and Medieval China (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014)
By Hang Lin
Heather Arndt ANDERSON, Breakfast: A History (Lanham–New York–Toronto–Plymouth, Alta Mira Press, 2013)
Farha TERNIKAR, Brunch: A History (Lanham–New York–Toronto–Plymouth, Alta Mira Press, 2014)
Megan ELIAS, Lunch: A History (Lanham–New York–Toronto–Plymouth, Alta Mira Press, 2014)
By Kaori O’Connor
Panikos PANAYI, Fish & Chips. A History (London, Reaktion Books, 2014)
By Nelleke Teughels
Kaori O’CONNOR, The Never-Ending Feast: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Feasting (London, Bloomsbury, 2015)
By Matthew E. Biwer
Paul S. LLOYD, Food and Identity in England, 1540 1640. Eating To Impress (London, Bloomsbury, 2015)
By Philippe Meyzie