Journal Food & History, vol. 22.1

Food & History - 22:1 (2024)

  • Pages: 228 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Illustrations:11 b/w, 21 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w
  • Language(s):English, French
  • Publication Year:2024

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-60835-8
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available


    Recommander et choisir un aliment dans l’Occident islamique médiéval : l’exemple du poisson
    Marianne BRISVILLE

    Fish, Wine and Fruit Juice in Medieval Soapstone Cooking
    Marianne VEDELER and Nicolas GARNIER

    Gut Feeling: Digestive Confections according to Medieval Arabic Cookery Literature
    Limor YUNGMAN

    A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Early Modern Plant Food Consumption Based on Vegetal Ingredients in Culinary Texts and Subfossil Plant Remains from Cesspits
    Merit M.A. HONDELINK

    Chocolate Manufacturing in Spain, 1850–1925
    Xavier JOU BADAL

    Les produits alimentaires au cœur de la guerre et de la paix en Côte d’Ivoire au début de l’ère coloniale (1887-1920)
    Gouédan Richard MEIGNAN

    La recette du bonheur parfait. Les publications culinaires du gouvernement québécois à l’intention des femmes au début du XXe siècle
    Marie PIGELET

    Book Reviews / Comptes-rendus

    Maryann TEBBEN, Savoir-Faire. A History of Food in France (London: Reaktion Books, 2020), 340 pp., ISBN 978-1789143324.
    Denis SAILLARD

    Elisabeth TOWNSEND, Cod: A Global History (London: Reaktion Books, 2022), 180 p., 48 colour plates, 12 halftones, ISBN 178-9-14598-8.
    Jean-Christophe FICHOU

    Martha M. DAAS, Medieval Fare: Food and Culture in Medieval Iberia (Lanham (Maryland, USA): Lexington Books, 2022), 182 pp., 37 illus., ISBN 978-1-498-58959-8.
    Juan Vicente GARCÍA MARSILLA

    Hélène JAWHARA PIÑER, Jews, Food, and Spain. The Oldest Medieval Spanish Cookbook and the Sephardic Culinary Heritage (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2022), 302 pp., ISBN 978-1-644-69918-8.
    Manuela MARÍN

    Madeline Bassnett, Hillary Nunn (eds), In the Kitchen, 1550-1800 Reading English Cooking at Home and Abroad (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022), 294 pp., ISBN 978- 9-463-72164-6.

    Charlie TAVERNER, Street Food: Hawkers and the History of London (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), 244 pp., 17 illus., ISBN 978-0-19-284694-5.
    Beat KÜMIN

    Garritt VAN DYK, Commerce, Food, and Identity in Seventeenth-Century England and France: Across the Channel (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022), 214 pp., ISBN 978-9-463-72017-5.
    Troy BICKHAM

    Stefano MAGAGNOLI, Philippe MEYZIE (dir.), Réputation et marché, Produits, origines et marques : perspectives historiques (Lille: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2022), 292 pp., ISBN 978-2-7574-3560-1.
    Marie-France GARCIA PARPET

    Helga MÜLLNERITSCH, The Austrian Manuscript Cookery Book in the Long Eighteenth Century: Studies of Form and Function (Berlin/Bern/Brussels/New York/Oxford/Warsaw/Vienna: Peter Lang, 2022), 276 pp., 31 figs b/w. ISBN (hardcover) 978-3-631-85657-4.
    Lino MIONI

    Jonathan K. REES, The Fulton Fish Market: A History (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022), 312 pp., ISBN‎ 02-3120-256-3
    Richard STOTT