Food & History - 5.2 (2007)
- Pages: 324 p.
- Size:170 x 240 mm
- Illustrations:10 b/w
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:2008
- ISBN: 978-2-503-52322-4
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Efraim Lev & Uri Mayer-Chissick, “A covenant of salt”: Salt as a major food preservative in the historical Land of Israel
Susan Weingarten, Food in Roman Palestine: ancient sources and modern research
French Food Studies / Etudes sur l’alimentation en France
Olivier Leplatre, “Un doux repas”. Politique de l’alimentation chez Fénelon
Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée, Alimentation populaire et secours charitables. L’exemple parisien (1840-1870)
German & Scandinavian Food Studies / Etudes sur l’alimentation en Allemagne et dans les pays scandinaves
Ole Hyldtoft, Food as Social Markers: A Copenhagen Hospital 1800
Barbara Orland, Bad Habits and Liquid Pleasures. Milk and the Alcohol Abstinence Movement in late 19th Century Germany
Oskar Broberg, To Do Business, to Practise Ethics, and to Produce Knowledge: The Construction of ‘Organic Milk’ in Sweden in the late 20th Century
American Food Studies / Etudes sur l’alimentation aux Etats-Unis
Kelly Erby, Worthy of Respect: Black Waiters in Boston before the Civil War
Laresh Jayasanker, Indian Restaurants in San Francisco and America: A Case Study in Translating Diversity, 1965-2005
Dossier: Food Quality / La qualité alimentaire
Jérôme Bourdieu, Martin Bruegel, Peter Atkins, “That elusive feature of food consumption:” Historical perspectives on food quality, a review and some proposals
Alberto Grandi, Managing a natural ressource: the Mantova fish market in modern times
Vera Hierholzer, Searching for the Best Standard: Different Strategies of Food Regulation during German Industrialization
Review articles / Comptes rendus