Journal Food & History, vol. 19:1-2

Food & History - 19:1-2 (2021)

Dietary Practices of the First Mediterranean Farmers: Producing, Storing, Preparing and Consuming Foodstuffs in the Neolithic Period

  • Pages: 381 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Illustrations:67 b/w, 32 tables b/w.
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2021

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59211-4
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available
    • Contains contributions in Open Access


    Highlighting the Diversity of Food Practices in the First Mediterranean Farming Societies
    Julien Vieugué and Niccolò Mazzucco

    Section 1 - The Neolithic Food Transition in the Eastern Mediterranean

    The Subsistence and Foodways Transition during the Neolithization Process. Glimpses from a Contextualized Dental Perspective
    Fanny Bocquentin, Berenice Chamel, Marie Anton and Camille Noûs

    An Inter-Regional Comparison of Animal Domestication in the Northern and Southern Levant
    Lionel Gourichon and Liora Kolska Horwitz

    Archaeology of Plant Foods. Methods and Challenges in the Identification of Plant Consumption during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic in Southwest Asia
    Amaia Arranz-Otaegui

    Knapped Tools for Obtaining Food Resources in the Origins of Farming in the Near East
    Fiona Pichon and Juan José Ibáñez

    Exploring Food Practices among the First Agro-Pastoral Communities of the Southern Levant. The Ground Stone Tool Perspective
    Laure Dubreuil and Nigel Goring-Morris

    House and Hearth. The Social Setting of Food Preparation in the Western Anatolian and Southeastern European Neolithic
    Elisha O. Van Den Bos

    Section 2 - The Neolithic Food Transition in the Central and Western Mediterranean

    Animal Resources, Foodways and Cooking Practices during the Neolithic in the Western Mediterranean. An Integrated Archaeozoological Approach
    Maria Saña Seguí, Vanessa Navarrete Belda and Eloísa Ferratges Kwekel

    Archaeobotanical Evidence of Plant Food Consumption among Early Farmers (5700-4500 BC) in the Western Mediterranean Region
    Ferran Antolín, Laurent Bouby, Lucie Martin, Mauro Rottoli and Ana Jesus

    Stones that Made Food. A Lithic Viewpoint on Food Production Practices in the Early Mediterranean Neolithic
    Niccolò Mazzucco

    A Revolution in Food Preparation? Grinding and Pounding Plants in the First Farming Communities of Western Europe and the Mediterranean Region
    Caroline Hamon

    The Social Function of Cooking Structures during the Neolithic. A View from the Central Mediterranean
    Cecilia Conati Barbaro

    Afterword: Understanding the Neolithization Processes in the Mediterranean based on Food Traditions
    Julien Vieugué and Niccolò Mazzucco

    Book Reviews / Comptes rendus