Book Series Transmission des Textes: Catalogues

A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, II

Dorotei Getov

  • Pages: 488 p.
  • Size:216 x 280 mm
  • Illustrations:138 b/w, 12 col.
  • Language(s):English, Greek, Latin
  • Publication Year:2017

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55601-7
  • Hardback
  • Available

See also vol. 1 (ISBN 978-2-503-55173-9).


“Zusammenfassend sei festgehalten, dass dieser Katalogband höchsten wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen genügt und einen bedeutenden Zuwachs an neuen Erkenntnissen bezüglich der byzantinischen Buchkultur bringt. Es wäre sehr wünschenswert, wenn der Autor seine fruchtbaren Forschungen zu griechischen Handschriften in Bulgarien auch weiterhin fortsetzen könnte.” (Dr. Rudolf Stefecn in Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 110/3, 2017, p. 783)

« Voilà donc (…) un œuvre superbement accomplie par Dotorei Getov, en un temps raisonnable ; il donne ainsi à connaitre un fonds important et jusqu’ ici très peu exploite. » (Matthieu Cassin, dans la Revue des études byzantines, 76, 2018, p. 399)

“(..) Getov has rendered an enormous service to the Greek manuscripts of Bulgaria and those who would use them. The publishers are to be thanked for making this high-quality catalogue available at a reasonable price. It should serve as the definitive guide to the Greek holdings of the National Library for its next 150 years.” (Hugh Houghton, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2021.02.40)


Dorotei Getov is a classical philologist-turned-student of Greek manuscripts, currently employed by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as Senior Researcher in Byzantine Literature at its Institute for Literature. He has published several catalogues of Greek manuscripts kept in Bulgarian libraries as well as the editiones principes of the so-called Florilegium Mosquense and of a collection of scholia to the Byzantine legal corpus known as Basilika.


Volume I of this catalogue described 102 Greek manuscripts originating from the monastery of Bačkovo, now kept at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria in Sofia. The present volume II  provides comprehensive scholarly descriptions of the remaining 105 Greek manuscripts and fragments dating from the 10th to the 19th century: 46 manuscripts from the monasteries of Panagia Archangeliotissa and Panagia Kalamou near Xanthi; 11 manuscripts from the Archbishopric of Tŭrnovo; 11 manuscripts that once belonged to Georgios Petrinos (1800–1893) from Sozopol; 5 manuscripts from the monasteries of the Theotokos (Kosinitsa) near Drama and St. John Prodromos near Serres; 32 further manuscripts of unattested provenance and mode of acquisition, or acquired through occasional purchases and donations.



Bibliographical Abbreviations

Manuscript Descriptions

Initia of Unedited or Unrecognized Texts

General Index
