European Yearbook of the History of Psychology 1 (2015)
Sources, Theories, and Models
- Pages: 249 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:9 b/w
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2016
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55171-5
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Editorial (Mauro Antonelli)
Original Essays
The Status of the History of Psychology Course in British and Irish Psychology Departments (Adrian C. Brock & Matthew Harvey)
Aristotle’s Theory of Self-Perception (Marcello Zanatta)
Short Papers
William James Meeting Wilhelm Dilthey (Horst Gundlach)
In Search of Animal Intelligence: The Case of the Italian Psychologist Tito Vignoli (1824-1914) (Elena Canadelli)
Unpublished and Archival Material
Charcot and the Mental Calculator Jacques Inaudi (Serge Nicolas & Alessandro Guida)
- Procédés psychiques de fixation et de réviviscence des chiffres chez le calculateur Jacques Inaudi (Jean-Martin Charcot, 1892)
Giuseppe Guicciardi and Giulio Cesare Ferrari on the Mental Calculator Ugo Zaneboni (Dario De Santis)
- Il calcolatore mentale “Zaneboni”. Contributo alla psicologia delle memorie parziali (Giuseppe Guicciardi & Giulio Cesare Ferrari, 1897)
Discussions - Ethology & Psychology
Introduction. Ethology: Ecology and Objectivity (Jannes Eshuis)
Lorenz’s Human Ethology: Between the Search for a Human Singularity and the Prophecy of the Apocalypse (Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira)
Tinbergen’s Striving for Objectivity (Jannes Eshuis)
Molarity, Ecological Validity, Objectivity, and the Road to Ethology (René van Hezewijk)
Interview with Mario Zanforlin (Mauro Antonelli & Daniele Zavagno)
Book Reviews
Roger Smith, Between Mind and Nature. A History of Psychology (Csaba Pleh)
Richard T. G. Walsh, Wilfrid Laurier and Thomas Teo, A Critical History and Philosophy of Psychology: Diversity of Context, Thought, and Practice (Zhipeng Gao)
Willem van Hoorn (1939–2014) (Johann Louw & Kees Bertels)