European Medieval Drama 16 (2012)
- Pages: 139 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54297-3
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Max Harris, Interpreting the Role of Christ and His Donkey: The Palmesel as Actor in the Processional Theatre of Palm Sunday
Tiziano Pacchiarotti, La formation du jeu, entre culture de l'altérité et carnavalisation du discours
Vicki L. Hamblin, 'Putting People in their Place in French Hagiographic Mystery Plays': The Craft(s) of Medieval Theatre: Spaces and People
Charlotte Steenbrugge, Presenters in N-Town: 'We asygne it to 3oure good deliberacion'
Heidy Greco-Kaufmann, Theatrical Actions during Carnival and Religious Disputes: The Bernese Way of Promoting Reformation Ideas
Cora Dietl, A Polemical Theatre Review on Stage: Johannes Cochlaeus' Ein heimlich gsprech Vonn der Tragedia Johannis Hussen
Peter Happé, Theatrically in Classical Comedy and the English Interlude: Jack Juggler
Tatiana Victoroff, Misteri d'Elx et Mystère de la Dormition de la Mère de Dieu de Dimitri de Rostov: Entre représentation et présentation
Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès, Le Mystère de saint Clément de Metz (éd. par Frédéric Duval)
Émilie Pilon-David, The Farce of the Fart and Other Ribaldries: Twelve Medieval French Plays in Modern English (éd. et trad. par Jody Enders)
Leif Sondergaard, Fastnachtspiele. Weltliches Schauspiel in literarischen und kulturellen Kontexten (ed. by Klaus Ridder)
Lieke Stelling, 'This Earthly Stage': World and Stage in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (ed. by Brett D. Hirsch and Christopher Wortham)