Journal European Medieval Drama, vol. 8

European Medieval Drama 8 (2004)

  • Pages: 232 p.
  • Size:160 x 240 mm
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2005

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-51574-8
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print
    • E-journal
    • Available

    Essays in this volume provide insight into diverse elements of medieval European drama.


    The contents of this issue include the following articles:

    Susan Udry, '"Putting on the Girls": Mary’s Girlhood and the Performance of Monarchical Authority in Philippe de Mézière’s Dramatic Office for the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple'

    Kevin J. Ruth, 'Juridical Language and the Devil’s Rights in the Maastrichter (ripuarisches) Passionsspiel'

    Sue Powell, 'Pastoraliaand the Lost York Plays of the Creed and Paternoster'

    Stephen K. Wright, 'The Tyrolean Play of David and Goliath (Bozen 1515):Tradition, Text, and Translation'

    Francesc Massip & Lenke Kovacs, 'Les Franciscains et le genre macabre: Les Danses de la Mort et la prédication'

    Marie Jennequin, 'La Moralité des frères de Maintenant:Propositions pour une étude dramaturgique'

    Mara Nerbano, 'Play and Record: Ser Tommaso di Silvestro and the Theatre of Medieval and Early Modern Orvieto'

    Aurélie Mazingue, 'Paroles et présence de Marie dans le Mystère de l’Assomption de Rodez'

    Elsa Strietman, 'Working on the Audience: Allegorical Strategies in Rhetoricians Plays'

    Rob Sulewski, 'Edited Remainders of a Nativity: Two Short, Early Polish Christmas Fragments'