Journal European Medieval Drama, vol. 4

European Medieval Drama 4 (2000)

Selected proceedings from the European medieval drama festival and conference, Camerino, August 1999

  • Pages: 244 p.
  • Size:160 x 240 mm
  • Illustrations:34 b/w
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2001

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-51075-0
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print
    • E-journal
    • Available

    This issue contains a selection of papers from the Fourth International Conference on Aspects of European Medieval Drama, Camerino, 5-8 August 1999.


    This issue contains a selection of papers from the Fourth International Conference on Aspects of European Medieval Drama, Camerino, 5-8 August 1999, edited by André Lascombes and Sydney Higgins. 

    It includes the following papers:
    D. Buschinger; La réception du Décaméron dans les Jeux de Carnaval de Hans Sachs
    K. Schoell; Humour in Farce, Sotie and Fastnachtspiel
    M. Carvalho; Shepherds and Social Satire in Gil Vicente
    B. Lomagistro; La sacra rappresentazione croata tra Oriente e Occidente
    P. Happé; Performing Passion Plays in France and England
    M. Twycross; The Leuven Ommegang and Leuven City Archives: Report on Work in Progress
    N. Newbigin; Armies of God: Procession and Pageant in Florentine Religious Drama
    E. Strietman; Van Eneas en Dido: Two Amorous Plays Performed in Antwerp, 1552
    J. Tersteeg; The Brouwershaven Chamber of Rhetoric De Roode Lelie and the Esbatement van vijf personagien ghenaemt Jan Goemoete
    L. Søndergaard; Prologues and Epilogues of Fastnachtspiele: Their Functions in the Social Context
    B. Godfrey; Everyman (Re)Considered
    J. Dillon; What Sacrament? Excess, Taboo and Truth in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament and Twentieth-Century Body Art Pamela 
    M. King; Corpus Christi: Valencia
    F. Gussenhoven; The Serpent with a Matrons Face: Medieval Iconography of Satan in the Garden of Eden 
    R. Rastall; The Construction of a Speaking Tube for Late Medieval Drama