Print ISSN: 1768-9260
Online ISSN: 2428-3606
2 issues/year
Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist
Theology, Patristics, Augustine, Christian Literature, Exegesis, Fathers of the Church, Early Christian Philosophy, Early Christianity, Church History, Philology, Early Middle Ages
Accepted Language(s):
German, English, French, Italian
Accepts Contributions in Open Access
The Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques presents the progress of scholarship in the areas concerning Early Christianity and the Early Middle Ages: history, literature, philology, Bible exegesis, archaeology, iconography, philosophy and theology. It gives pride of place to the work of Augustine, its sources and its later influence. It publishes each year a systematic list of critical reviews on Augustine. The Revue is also open to studies on other Latin Fathers and articles on the Greek Fathers are also carried. Movements such as Gnosticism or Manichaeism are not neglected. Since 1995 each article has been summarized in English and French.
La Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques présente les progrès de la recherche dans les domaines concernant le christianisme et le haut Moyen Âge: histoire, littérature, philologie, archéologie, iconographie, philosophie, théologie. Si elle fait une grande place à l’œuvre d’Augustin, à ses sources et à sa postériorité, elle est aussi largement ouverte aux travaux sur les autres Pères latins et sur les Pères grecs. Par ses bulletins, ses chroniques et ses recensions d’ouvrages savants, elle est un instrument bibliographique et critique indispensable aux spécialistes. Depuis 1995 chaque article est accompagné d’un résumé en anglais et français.
Comité de Direction
Isabelle Bochet
Catherine Broc-Schmetzer
Laetitia Ciccolini
François Dolbeau
Sophie Van der Meeren
Vincent Zarini
Conseil Scientifique
Jean-Denis Berger
Gilbert Dahan
Jérémy Delmulle
Pierre Descotes
Volker Drecoll (Tübingen)
Martine Dulaey
Allan D. Fitzgerald (Villanova, USA)
Sylvie Labarre
Alain Le Boulluec
Michel-Yves Perrin
Matthieu Pignot
Mickaël Ribreau
Brian Stock (Toronto)
Pierre Descotes
Contact and Submissions
Pierre Descotes
Administrateur de la Revue d’études augustiniennes et patristiques
Institut d’études augustiniennes
95 rue de Sèvres
F-75006 Paris
Les contributions sont à adresser à :
Peer Review Procedure
Double-blind undertaken by (a) specialist member(s) of the Board or (an) external specialist(s).
Licencing & Copyright
This journal offers different licence options. A standard licence gives Brepols the exclusive copyright for all published content. Gold Open Access articles will be published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence. For these articles the copyright remains with the authors. Please discuss with your Publishing Manager if you or your funding body require an alternative CC-licence. See our dedicated webpages for further details on our open access options at, and our self-archiving policies at
Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement
Déclaration d’éthique pour les revues de Brepols :
All articles are digitally archived in Portico
ATLA Religion Database
Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis
ERIH PLUS - European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
IBZ / IBR Online - Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur / Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Index religiosus
International Medieval Bibliography
L'Année philologique
MLA International Bibliography
New testament Abstracts
Religious and Theological Abstracts
Répertoire bibliographique de philosophie
Scimago Journal & Country Rank SJR
ANVUR Area 10 – Scientific
ANVUR Area 11 – ScientificCIRC (C Classification in human sciences )
Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) journal list 2018, ARC