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Speculum musicae

Editor: Roberto Illiano
Publishing Manager: Johan Van der Beke
Details List of Publications

ISSN 2295-5607

Method of peer review
single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Music History, Musicology, Musical Forms, Musical Theatre, Singing, Composers, Music Genres, Performers, From Antiquity to the present


The series is to consist of important musicological monographs and miscellanea covering the whole range of music history from Antiquity to the present.

List of publications

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Genre and the Production of Gendered Identity on the Lyric Stage

Mark Everist, Jennifer Walker (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-61558-5 SMUS 55 | 2025 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Remapping the Classics

Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven in Spain during the Long Nineteenth Century Miguel Ángel Marín, Teresa Cascudo García-Villaraco (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-61557-8 SMUS 54 | 2024 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Musical Exoticism

The Mediterranean and Beyond in the Long Nineteenth Century Michael Christoforidis, Ramón Sobrino (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-61177-8 SMUS 53 | 2024 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Chamber Music in Europe (1850-1918)

Composition, Mediation and Reception Catrina Flint de Médicis, François de Médicis (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-61176-1 SMUS 52 | 2024 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Sound of Empire

Soundscapes, Aesthetics and Performance between «Ancien régime» and Restoration Federico Gon, Emmanuel Reibel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60849-5 SMUS 51 | 2024 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Between Centres and Peripheries

Music in Europe from the French Revolution to WWI María Encina Cortizo, Ivan Nommick (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60848-8 SMUS 50 | 2023 € 135,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Women Composers in New Perspectives, 1800-1950

Genres, Contexts and Repertoire Mariateresa Storino, Susan Wollenberg (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60630-9 SMUS 49 | 2023 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Beethoven the European

Transcultural Contexts of Performance, Interpretation and Reception Malcolm Miller, William Kinderman (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60290-5 SMUS 48 | 2023 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Financing Music in Europe

Etienne Jardin (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-60289-9 SMUS 47 | 2022 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Popular Song in the 19th Century

Derek B. Scott (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-60078-9 SMUS 46 | 2022 € 110,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Stravinsky and the Musical Body

Creative Process and Meaning Massimiliano Locanto
ISBN 978-2-503-59778-2 SMUS 45 | 2022 € 135,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

La Musique religieuse en France au XIXe siècle

Le sentiment religieux entre profane et sacré (1830-1914) Nicolas Dufetel (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-59777-5 SMUS 44 | 2022 € 150,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Singing Speech and Speaking Melodies

Minor Forms of Musical Theatre in the 18th and 19th Century María Encina Cortizo, Michela Niccolai (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59543-6 SMUS 43 | 2021 € 135,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

From Gypsy to Bohemian: A Study of the Musical Rhapsody

Anna G. Piotrowska
ISBN 978-2-503-59487-3 SMUS 41 | 2021 € 115,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Haydn’s Last Creative Period

Federico Gon (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-59488-0 SMUS 42 | 2021 € 110,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Ars Antiqua, Music and Culture in Europe c. 1150-1330

Gregorio Bevilacqua, Thomas Payne (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59099-8 SMUS 40 | 2021 € 110,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music and the Figurative Arts in the Nineteenth Century

Roberto Illiano (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58951-0 SMUS 39 | 2020 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

La maturation artistique de Debussy dans son contexte historique (1884-1902)

François de Médicis
ISBN 978-2-503-58950-3 SMUS 38 | 2020 € 160,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music Publishing and Composers (1750-1850)

Massimiliano Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58815-5 SMUS 37 | 2020 € 115,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)
Henry-Louis de La Grange

Gustav Mahler, The Arduous Road to Vienna (1860-1897)

Completed, Revised and Edited by Sybille Werner Sybille Werner (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58814-8 SMUS 36 | 2020 € 160,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Symphonism in Nineteenth-Century Europe

José Ignacio Suárez García, Ramón Sobrino (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58643-4 SMUS 35 | 2020 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Cinema Changes: Incorporations of Jazz in the Film Soundtrack

Emile Wennekes, Emilio Audissino (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58447-8 SMUS 34 | 2019 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Musical Improvisation in the Baroque Era

Fulvia Morabito (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58369-3 SMUS 33 | 2019 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Nineteenth-Century Programme Music

Creation, Negotiations, Reception Jonathan Kregor (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58346-4 SMUS 32 | 2019 € 140,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Many Faces of Camille Saint-Saëns

Mark Stegemann (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-58070-8 SMUS 31 | 2018 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945

Michela NiccolaI, Clair Rowden (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-57766-1 SMUS 30 | 2017 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music and the Figurative Arts in the Twentieth Century

Roberto Illiano (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-57024-2 SMUS 29 | 2017 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Meyerbeer and Grand Opéra from the July Monarchy to the Present

Mark Everist (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-56842-3 SMUS 28 | 2016 € 140,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The String Quartet

From the Private to the Public Sphere Christian Speck (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-56800-3 SMUS 27 | 2016 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Piano Culture in 19th-Century Paris

Massimiliano Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-55326-9 SMUS 26 | 2015 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Igor Stravinsky: Sounds and Gestures of Modernism

Massimiliano Locanto (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-55325-2 SMUS 25 | 2014 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

« En pèlerinage avec Liszt »: Virtuosos, Repertoire and Performing Venues in 19th-Century Europe

Fulvia Morabito (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-55324-5 SMUS 24 | 2014 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Orchestral Conducting in the Nineteenth Century

Roberto Illiano, Michela Niccolai (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-55247-7 SMUS 23 | 2014 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music and Propaganda in the Short Twentieth Century

Massimiliano Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-55246-0 SMUS 22 | 2014 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music and Francoism

Gemma Pérez Zalduondo, Germán Gan Quesada (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-54899-9 SMUS 21 | 2014 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Grandeur et finesse: Chopin, Liszt and the Parisian Musical Scene

Luca Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-54884-5 SMUS 20 | 2013 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

From Stage To Screen

Musical Films in Europe and United States (1927-1961) Massimiliano Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-54614-8 SMUS 19 | 2012 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Legacy of Richard Wagner

Convergences and Dissonances in Aesthetics and Reception Luca Sala (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-54613-1 SMUS 18 | 2012 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

La dramaturgie de Gustave Charpentier

Michela Niccolai
ISBN 978-2-503-54340-6 SMUS 17 | 2012 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Beyond Notes: Improvisation in Western Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Rudolf Rasch (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-54244-7 SMUS 16 | 2011 € 100,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Opéra-comique in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Lorenzo Frassà (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-52781-9 SMUS 15 | 2011 € 90,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Music and Dictatorship in Europe and Latin America

Roberto Illiano, Massimiliano Sala (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-52779-6 SMUS 14 | 2010 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Selva Armonica. La musica spirituale a Roma tra Cinque e Seicento

Daniele Filippi
ISBN 978-2-503-52778-9 SMUS 12 | 2008 € 110,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Vivaldi, Motezuma and the Opera Seria

Essays on a Newly Discovered Work and its Background Michael Talbot (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-52780-2 SMUS 13 | 2008 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Il 'concerto grosso' romano: nuove prospettive storiche e storiografiche

Agnese Pavanello
ISBN 978-2-503-52350-7 SMUS 11 | 2006 € 75,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Italian Music during the Fascist Period

Roberto Illiano
ISBN 978-2-503-51517-5 SMUS 10 | 2004 € 120,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Das italienische Oratorium 1625-1665. Musik und Dichtung

Christian Speck
ISBN 978-2-503-52187-9 SMUS 9 | 2003 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Eighteenth-Century Diaspora of Italian Music and Musicians

Reinhard Strohm (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-51020-0 SMUS 8 | 2001 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Italian Opera and European Theatre, 1680-1720: Plots, Performers, Dramaturgies

Melania Bucciarelli
ISBN 978-2-503-51021-7 SMUS 7 | 2000 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Figured Bass Accompaniment in France

Robert Zappulla
ISBN 978-2-503-50707-1 SMUS 6 | 2000 € 75,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Musica e società in Umbria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento

G. Ciliberti
ISBN 978-2-503-50815-3 SMUS 5 | 1999 € 55,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Johan Adolf Hasse - Giammario Ortes. Lettere. Edizione e commento

L. Pancino (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-50705-7 SMUS 4 | 1998 € 60,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

La Clemenza di Tito di Mozart. I primi trent'anni (1791-1821)

E. Senici
ISBN 978-2-503-50569-5 SMUS 3 | 1997 € 55,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

La romanza vocale da camera in Italia

F. Morabito
ISBN 978-2-503-50568-8 SMUS 2 | 1997 € 55,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)