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The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies

Editors: Janet Burton Karen Stöber University of Wales – Trinity Saint David Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Estudis Medievals 'Espai, Poder i Cultura', Universitat de Lleida
Publishing Manager: Guy Carney
Publisher: Brepols
View online content List of Publications

Print ISSN: 2034-3515
Online ISSN: 2034-3523

1 issue/year

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by an external specialist (i.c. appointed by the Board)

Monasticism, Monastic Orders, Religious Orders, Middle Ages, Monastic History, Monastic Archaeology, Architecture, Art and Manuscripts, Theology, Monks, Canons, Mendicants, Religious Women

Accepted Language(s):

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies is managed under the auspices of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the Universitat de Lleida. It is an annual publication of international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed articles on issues related to medieval monastic studies. It includes scholarly contributions on monastic history, archaeology and architectural history, art history, literature, theology, etc. It is a comprehensive publication, covering all of medieval Europe in geographical terms. We also publish relevant book reviews and shorter notices. The language of publication is English, but abstracts in the original language of individual contributions may be included.



    Janet Burton, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

    Karen Stöber, Universitat de Lleida

    Reviews Editor

    Anne-Julie Lafaye, National Monuments Service, Ireland

    Editorial Board

    Frances Andrews, University of St Andrews

    Edel Bhreathnach, School of History, University College Cork

    Guido Cariboni, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

    Megan Cassidy-Welch, Australian Catholic University

    James Clark, University of Exeter

    Albrecht Diem, Syracuse University

    Marilyn Dunn, University of Glasgow

    Sarah Foot, Oxford University, Christ Church

    Paul Freedman, Yale University

    Alexis Grélois, Université de Rouen

    Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen, University of Copenhagen

    Martin Heale, University of Liverpool

    Emilia Jamroziak, University of Leeds

    William Chester Jordan, Princeton University

    Jozsef Laszlovszky, Central European University Budapest

    Julian Luxford, University of St Andrews

    Colman O Clabaigh, Glenstal Abbey

    Tadhg O’Keeffe, University College Dublin

    Antonio Sennis, University College London

    Kurt Villads Jensen, Stockholms Universitet


    Contact Information/Submissions
    We welcome submission of articles for consideration for publication, and these should be sent to the general editors: Prof. Janet Burton ( and Dr Karen Stöber (

    We also welcome books for review. Queries should be addressed to the reviews editor, Dr Anne-Julie Lafaye ( Copies may be sent to Professor Janet Burton, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter Campus, Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales, SA48 7ED, UK.

    Peer Review Procedure
    Submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed

    Guidelines for Authors
    English short references can be found at:

    Licencing & Copyright
    This journal offers different licence options. A standard licence gives Brepols the exclusive copyright for all published content. Gold Open Access articles will be published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence. For these articles the copyright remains with the authors. Please discuss with your Publishing Manager if you or your funding body require an alternative CC-licence.

    Open Access Options
    When you opt for publishing in Gold Open Access, we charge an APC of 950 EUR (+ VAT, if applicable), which is designed to cover the cost of our publishing services. This consists of dedicated editorial support; qualitative, rigorous peer review; manuscript editing and professional typesetting; high-quality printing and digital publishing on BrepolsOnline and other leading platforms; guaranteed permanent access; worldwide physical distribution and online dissemination; and worldwide specialized marketing and targeted commercial initiatives.
    Researchers from low- and middle-income countries, early career scholars, independent researchers, and other authors who do not have the resources to pay the APC are invited to contact the editor-in-chief.
    See our dedicated webpages for further details on our open access options at, and our self-archiving policies at

    Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement

    All articles are digitally archived in Portico


    ATLA Religion Database

    Bibliographia Franciscana

    Bibliography of British and Irish History

    ERIH PLUS - European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Index Religiosus

    International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance

    International Medieval Bibliography





    ANVUR Area 10 – Class A
    ANVUR Area 10 – Scientific
    ANVUR Area 11 – Scientific

    CIRC (C Classification in human sciences & Social Sciences Classification)

    Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) journal list 2018, ARC

List of publications

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Prices excl. VAT

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies (2024)

ISBN 978-2-503-60866-2 JMMS 13 | 2024 € 89,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 12 (2023)

ISBN 978-2-503-60379-7 JMMS 12 | 2023 € 86,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 11 (2022)

ISBN 978-2-503-59756-0 JMMS 11 | 2022 € 80,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 10 (2021)

ISBN 978-2-503-59222-0 JMMS 10 | 2021 € 79,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 9 (2020)

ISBN 978-2-503-58737-0 JMMS 9 | 2020 € 78,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 8 (2019)

ISBN 978-2-503-58319-8 JMMS 8 | 2020 € 76,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 7 (2018)

ISBN 978-2-503-57850-7 JMMS 7 | 2018 € 74,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 6 (2017)

ISBN 978-2-503-57188-1 JMMS 6 | 2018 € 68,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 5 (2016)

ISBN 978-2-503-55985-8 JMMS 5 | 2016 € 67,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 4 (2015)

ISBN 978-2-503-55398-6 JMMS 4 | 2016 € 67,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 3 (2014)

ISBN 978-2-503-55059-6 JMMS 3 | 2014 € 66,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 2 (2013)

ISBN 978-2-503-54732-9 JMMS 2 | 2013 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)

The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 1 (2012)

ISBN 978-2-503-54188-4 JMMS 1 | 2013 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) (E-journal)