The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 10 (2021)
- Pages: 276 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:14 b/w, 5 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2021
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59222-0
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Networking Nuns: Imperial Power and Family Alliances at S. Salvatore di Brescia (c. 837–861)
Annamaria Pazienza and Veronica West-Harling
‘Against the Custom’: Hagiographical Rewriting and Female Abbatial Leadership at mid-Eleventh-Century Remiremont
Steven Vanderputten
Crip Time in the Medieval Monastery: Cistercian Writers on the Time-Scapes of Infirmity, c. 1150–1250
Amelia Kennedy
List of Medieval Religious Houses on Islands: Norway
Franziska Wehrle and Annette Kehnel
‘To be Associated with their Sacred Remains’: Saints’ Burials and Sacred Objects in Early Cistercian Exempla Collections
Georgina Fitzgibbon
Clerical Masculinity, Ability and Appearance: A Case Study of Ante-Mortem Tooth Loss in the Late Medieval Augustinian Monastery of Skriðuklaustur, Iceland
Elin Linnea Ahlin Sundman and Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir
Santa María de Valdediós and its Monastic Family from Foundation to Reformation (Asturias, 1200–1515)
Álvaro Solano Fernández-Sordo
Locus, Sanctus et Virtus: Monastic Surnaming in Late Medieval and Early Tudor England reviewed
David E. Thornton
Die Lebenswelt der Zisterzienser. Neue Studien zur Geschichte eines europäischen Ordens (ed. by Joachim Werz)
Karen Stöber
The Lands of Saint Ambrose: Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan (by Ross Balzaretti)
Veronica West-Harling
The States of the Manors of Westminster Abbey c. 1300 to 1422(ed. by B. F. Harvey and C. M. Woolgar)
Richard Allen
Monastic Experience in Twelfth-Century Germany: The Chronicle of Petershausen in Translation (ed. and trans. by Alison I. Beach, Shannon M. T. Li, and Samuel S. Sutherland)
Miriam Peuker
Science in the Monastery. Texts, Manuscripts and Learning at Saint-Bertin (by Steven J. Livesey)
Deborah Hayden
Monastic Europe. Medieval Communities, Landscapes, and Settlement (ed. by Edel Bhreathnach, Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D’Aughton, and Keith Smith)
Francesco Renzi
Burnham Norton Friary. Perspectives on the Carmelites in Norfolk (ed. by Brendan Chester-Kadwell)
Anne-Julie Lafaye
hikuin 41 (‘Danske klostre 2: Klostre i Aalborg, Ribe og Viborg’) (ed. by Hans Krongaard Kristensen, Morten Larsen & Jens Vellev)
Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen
Athassel Priory and the Cult of St Edmund in Medieval Ireland (by Francis Young)
Brendan Smith
Chanoines et chanoinesses des anciens Pays Bas: Le chapitre de Maubeuge du IXe au XVIIIe siècle (ed. by Jean Heuclin and Christophe Leduc)
Hervé Chopin
Pauline Economy in the Middle Ages. "The Spiritual Cannot Be Maintained Without the Temporal…" (by Beatrix F. Romhányi)
Frederick Felskau
Short Notices