Les Alexandres après Alexandre
Histoire d’une monnaie commune
Sophia Kremydi, Marie-Christine Marcellesi (eds)
- Pages: 464 p.
- Size:210 x 280 mm
- Language(s):French
- Publication Year:2019
- ISBN: 978-960-9538-96-1
- Paperback
- Available
This collective volume discusses the coinages with the types of Alexander the Great that were produced by kings, cities and leagues –in parallel with their own local coin issues– for over two centuries after the king’s death. The purpose of the book is to elaborate on the role of the ‘Alexanders’ as a common currency of the Hellenistic world. The topics examined include, among others, the circulation of the ‘Alexanders’ in specific geographical regions, a discussion of their use through the lens of regional history, the circulation of silver ‘Alexanders’ throughout the Hellenistic oecumene, the intensive but short-lived production of gold ‘Alexanders’, the epigraphic evidence for their use, their imitations in the Arabic peninsula, and, more generally, an evaluation of their much disputed role in the economic growth of the Hellenistic world.