Excerptum de Talmud
Study and Edition of a Thirteenth-Century Latin Translation
Isaac Lampurlanés Farré
- Pages: 302 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:44 tables b/w., 3 Stemmas
- Language(s):English, Latin
- Publication Year:2020
- ISBN: 978-2-503-58690-8
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-58761-5
- E-book
- Available
Edition and study of a Latin translation of the Talmud from the thirteenth century.
“These texts deserve to be read as providing uncomfortable evidence of the enduring character of the stereotypes projected onto Jews throughout the later medieval period. Its author is to be commended for tackling such a difficult topic.” (Constant Mews, in Parergon, 38/2, 2021, p. 229)
"L’ouvrage d’I. L. F. contribue grandement aux études sur la polémicité médiévale." (Kristina Mitalaité, dans Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 105/1, 2021, p. 126-129)
“Der Band vermittelt einen wertvollen Einblick in die Geschichte der christlich-jüdischen Polemik im MA und in der frühen Neuzeit.” (Matthias Morgenstern, in Deutschen Archiv 79-1, 2023, p. 316)
« Au travers de cet ouvrage, l’A. a ainsi eu le grand mérite de s’être attaché, avec rigueur et précision, à définir les liens qui unissent les différentes productions émargeant du contexte de la disputation de Paris. Ce résultat, très abouti, est le fruit d’un travail extrêmement précis, entrepris dans un cadre particulièrement stimulant et interdisciplinaire qui aura sans nul doute favorisé un tel degré d’aboutissement. En ce qu’il offre un éclairage sur une période de l’histoire particulièrement complexe et donne accès au texte de l’Excerptum de Talmud, établi à partir d’un examen détaillé des manuscrits conformément aux standards d’exigence actuels des éditions critiques, l’ouvrage sera ainsi certainement amené à faire référence dans son domaine pour les prochaines années. » (Grégory Clesse, dans Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 118/1-2, 2023, p. 354)
In 1239 the Christian convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles to Pope Gregory IX that decried the indecency, blasphemy, and heresy in the Talmud. As a result, the pope triggered a campaign across Europe that gave rise to a trial of the Talmud in Paris in 1240. The Latin translation of the Talmud — namely, the 1245 Extractiones de Talmud and later versions such as the Excerptum de Talmud — emerged from these events.
This volume offers the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the Excerptum de Talmud. Drawing on the substantial translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Extractiones de Talmud (Paris, 1245), the Excerptum provided a selection of passages from the Talmud which its compiler organized according to controversial topics.
This book consists of two principal parts. The first contains a study of the Excerptum, its textual source (the Extractiones de Talmud), and an overview of the historical background which prompted this translation. The second part consists of an edition and translation of the text, as well as an edition of the passages from the Extractiones which served as the basis for the Excerptum.
These texts mark a significant chapter in Christian anti-Jewish disputations and Latin polemical works in the Middle Ages. Along with the two versions of the Extractiones de Talmud (CCCM 291 and forthcoming), this volume will thus prove useful to scholars interested in Latin philology, religious disputation, medieval translation and transmission of knowledge, and the history of Christian-Jewish relations.
See edition of the Extractiones de Talmud (CCCM 291) at: http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503582283-1
Part I: Study of the Excerptum de Talmud
Chapter One: The Paris Trial of 1240: How it unfolded
- 1.1. Before Paris: The earliest references to the Talmud in Christian polemical literature
- 1.2. The thirteenth century: the Christian and Jewish milieux in France
- 1.3. Nicholas Donin: The thirty-five articles against the Talmud
- 1.4. The Disputation
- 1.4.1. The Hebrew report
- 1.4.2. The Latin report
- 1.5. Concluding remarks
- 2.1. After the Trial: The review of the Trial concerning the Talmud
- 2.2. The translation process
- 2.3. The manuscripts and the two versions
- 2.3.1. The sequential Extractiones
- 2.3.2. The thematic Extractiones
- The prologue to the thematic Extractiones
- The chapters of the thematic Extractiones
- 2.4. The translation and the translators thereof
- 2.5. In summary
- 3.1. The transmission of the Extractiones de Talmud
- 3.2. The manuscripts of the Excerptum and its stemma codicum
- 3.3. The source of the Excerptum: the thematic Extractiones
- 3.4. The content of the Excerptum de Talmud
- 3.5. The authorship and date of the Excerptum de Talmud
- 3.6. Notes in summary
Part II: Critical edition: Excerptum de Talmud
Editorʼs preface
Excerptum de Talmud: The Text
- i. De auctoritate Talmud
- ii. De magistris Talmud
- iii. Blasphemiae contra Christum
- iv. Blasphemiae contra Deum, creatorem omnium
- v. Contra christianos et ecclesiam Dei
- vi. Oratio contra christianos
- vii. De stultitiis et execratione iudaeorum
- viii. De sortilegiis iudaeorum et de infidelitate ipsorum
- ix. Fictio iudaeorum de futuro saeculo
- x. De adventu Messiae
- xi. De stultitiis iudaeorum
- xii. De inmunditiis iudaeorum
- xiii. De somniis seu visionibus nocturnis iudaeorum
- xiv. De fabulis iudaeorum
- De auctoritate Talmud
- De sapientibus et magistris Talmud
- De blasphemiis contra Christum et beatam Virginem
- De blasphemiis contra Deum
- Contra christianos
- De imprecationibus contra goym
- Contra christianos
- De erroribus
- De sortilegiis
- De somniis
- De futuro saeculo et statu post mortem
- De Messia
- De stultitiis
- De turpitudinibus et inmunditiis
- De fabulis
- Correspondences
- Index locorum Talmud
- Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae
- Index locorum Libri de Krubot
- Index locorum Articulorum Donin
- Index locorum Anthologiae
- Index glossarum Salomonis in Vetus Testamentum
- Index aliarum fontium iudaicarum
- Index magistrorum Talmud
- Index verborum Hebraicorum
- Index verborum Gallicorum