Gerardus Cameracensis
Acta Synodi Atrebatensis, Vita Autberti, Vita Gaugerici; Varia scripta ex officina Gerardi exstantia
Steven Vanderputten, Diane J. Reilly (eds)
- Pages: 39 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2014
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55255-2
- Hardback
- Available
"(...) les sources sont soigneusement identifiées et regroupées dans des index consacrés aux références scripturaires, patristiques, hagiographiques et liturgiques. Si elle permettra des recherches plus poussées sur le corpus cambrésien des oeuvres "gérardiennes" et leurs thèmes favoris (l'autorité de l'évêque dans la vie politique et sociale, l'utilité des sacraments, la réflexion sur la nécessité de la sépulture chrétienne), nul doute que cette nouvelle édition fournira aussi un point de départ au repérage d'autres oeuvres contemporaines, notamment hagiographiques, inspirées par la pensée de l'évêque." (Charles Mériaux, in: Revue du Nord, tome 97, n° 410, avril-juin 2015, p. 409-410)
«Ce beau travail, bien servi par une introduction claire et stimulante, mérite des éloges» (Fr. De Vriendt, dans Analecta Bollandiana, 134.1, 2016, p. 220)
“(…) Vanderputten and Reilly have done a considerable service in creating a new edition of important eleventh-century texts. Not only have they returned to the original manuscript sources, they have updated outdated editions of some of these texts, and, so, they have brought contemporary conventions in textual editing to this corpus. This is a notable achievement in and of itself.” (Timothy Baker, in Sehepunkte, 17/1, 2017)
"Der hauptsächliche Fortschritt dieser neuen Ausgabe liegt in der Zugabe eines gründlichen und verlässlichen kritischen Apparats." (V.L., in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittlealters 73-1, 2017, p. 298-299)
Steven Vanderputten is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Ghent. He is the author of Monastic Reform as Process: Realities and Representations in Medieval Flanders, 900-1100 (Ithaca, 2013).
Diane J. Reilly is Associate Professor of History of Art at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the author of The Art of Reform in Eleventh-Century Flanders: Gerard of Cambrai, Richard of Saint-Vanne and the Saint-Vaast Bible (Leiden, 2006).
The miscellaneous corpus of texts commissioned by Bishop Gerard I of Cambrai (1012-1051) constitutes one of the primary means of accessing substantial parts of the Low Countries' political, cultural, and religious history in the early eleventh century. Encompassing historiography, hagiography, dogmatic treatises, correspondence, and other texts, it also constitutes a defense of episcopal prerogatives, and reflects Gerard's concerns and ambitions as bishop of Cambrai, an imperial bishopric wedged between Western Frankish territories, and lord of the Cambrésis. The programmatic nature of this discourse is revealed particularly in a group of seemingly unrelated narratives and documents, presented here in versions thought to best approximate those edited during Gerard’s lifetime. In the Acts of the Synod of Arras, a lengthy treatise presented as the report of the inquisition of heretics in 1025, Gerard provided, via an anonymous author, a detailed insight into his views on Christian dogma, religious practice, and bishops’ roles in society. Although they belong to a different textual genre, the Lives of St Aubert and St Géry, both predecessors of Gerard at Cambrai, reveal the coherence and persistence of Gerard’s views on the aforementioned subjects. Twelve miscellaneous documents (letters, treaties, and one Peace decree), each of which touches upon issues addressed in the three previous texts, complete the corpus.
Gerardus Cameracensis — Acta Synodi Atrebatensis — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Conventio contra castellanum Walterum — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Decretum supra treugam Dei in dioecesi Cameracensi observandam — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Adalberonem sive Ascelinum episcopum Laudunensem de simoniaco coadiutore — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Beroldum episcopum Suessionensem de simoniaco coadiutore — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Ebulonem sive Eblum archiepiscopum Remensem de simoniaco coadiutore — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Fulconem episcopum Ambiensem pro Drogone Terwanensium episcopo a comite Balduino exulato — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Gozonem abbatem Florinacensem de iudicio synodali supra neptem suam Hadewidem — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Henricum regem — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad Leduinum abbatem et monachos Sancti Vedasti de incendio ecclesiae cathedralis Atrebatensis — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad R. episcopum de heresi Gandulfianorum — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Epistola ad sanctae Leodicensis ecclesiae archidiaconos de excommunicatis sepeliendis — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Notificatio diversarum cum castellano Waltero et eius sociis conventionum — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Sermo contra pacem Dei a Franciae episcopis datam — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly
Gerardus Cameracensis — Vita Autberti — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly Gerardus Cameracensis — Vita tertia Gaugerici — ed. S. Vanderputten, D.J. Reilly