- Pages: 340 p.
- Size:240 x 310 mm
- Language(s):English, French, Italian
- Publication Year:2014
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55222-4
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Michael Ann Holly, Iconology and the Phenomenological Imagination
Colum P. Hourihane, Iconography at the Crossroads Revisited
W. J. T. Mitchell, Four Fundamental Concepts of Image Science
Isabella Woldt, The Operating Principle of Picture Series Aby Warburg’s Theory of the Function of Image Memory and the Renaissance Festival’s Pictures
Rebeka Vidrih, Misconceptions and Misrepresentations of Aby Warburg‘s Art History
Elisa Coletta, From the Image to the Painting - the Image within the Painting. Analysis of the Two Lines of Inquiry Suggested by Hubert Damisch for Iconology
György E. Szönyi, The Mediality of Culture. Theories of Cultural Representations
Aleksandar Mijatović, Man Cut in Two. Virtual and Surreal in Bergson’s and Breton’s Notion of Image
Alexei Lidov, The Temple Veil as a Spatial Icon. Revealing an Image-Paradigm of Medieval Iconography and Hierotopy
Emma Sidgwick, Radiant Remnants. Late Antique Strigillation and Productive Dunamis/Energeia
Péter Bokody, After Paradigm. Iconography and Giotto
Andrei Pop, Iconology and the Logic of Belief. A Case Study of Anselm’s Chapel In Canterbury
Claudia Cieri Via, About the New Iconology. The Geology of Images - Looking at Mantegna’s Work
Giuseppe Capriotti - Valentina Živković, The Gap between Text, Image and Ritual as an Iconological Problem. Two Examples from the Adriatic Coast
Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić, Truth and Misconceptions Concerning the Reception of Antiquity in 15th Century Trogir Humanism
Yvonne zu Dohna, The Mystical of the Sublime. The Experience of Salvation in Michelangelo’s Last Judgement
Alessandro Rossi, Media and Methodological Nesting Two Theoretical Paintings by Lorenzo Lotto
Yoni Ascher, Bruegel‘s Plowman and the Fall of Art Historians
Frédérique Dubard de Gaillarbois, Elisabetta Sirani’s Porcia Wounding Her Thigh (1664). A Piece of Mute Eloquence or a Meta-Painting?
Laura Stagno, The Status of Art in a Vanitas Perspective. Case Studies in Genoese Painting
Christine Moisan-Jabłońska, The Indirect Comparative Method. An Attempt at Trying to Find a Path between the Scylla of Iconography and the Charybdis of the History of Religious Mentality
Romana Rupiewicz, Between the Image and the Word Research Methods Applied to the Study of the Depictions of Iudicium Sanguinarium Iudaeorum contra Jesum Christum Salvatorem Mundi
Tony Seaton, Didron and the Hand Maidens of Iconography in Nineteenth Century Britain
Contributions – Reviews – Appendix
Martin Germ, Saltus Mortis in Valvasor’s Theatrum Mortis Humanae Tripartitum. A Copy of Holbein’s Dance of Death?
Han Lamers, New Approaches to Mark 5:24-34 in Medieval Art
Marina Vicelja, The Aby Warburg’s Fundamental Concept Revisited
Ivo Babić, In Search of Lost Painting
Seventh International Conference of Iconographic Studies
Guidelines for Authors