- Pages: 455 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Illustrations:4 col.
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2014
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55013-8
- Hardback
- Available
"(...) l’apport de cette édition est indéniable: elle nous donne l’accès à un ouvrage auparavant inconnu et qui semble avoir joué un rôle majeur pour l’exégèse biblique médiévale sur Jean (...)" (Francesco Siri, dans: Francia Recensio, 2015/1)
"Ce beau volume mérite toute l'attention des médiévaistes et des biblistes. Il est prometteur." (P.-M. Bogaert, dans: Revue bénédictine, 125, 2015, p. 205)
"This commentary is a rich source not only for those interested in biblical exegesis, school practice in the twelfth century, or the genesis of the Glossa ordinaria, but also for those interested in the development of twelfth-century theology (for which the Fourth Gospel is a rich source), or even in twelfth-century attitudes of Christians towards Jews (who are not treated in a very positive way in the Gospel, and even less so in the commentary). To make this text more accessible to the general reader, one hopes for a translation in the Corpus Christianorum in Translation series, of the same outstanding quality as the present edition." (Frans van Liere, in: Speculum, 90, 2015, p. 767)
“L’edizione che A. A. offre della Glossa super Iohannem costituisce un essenziale passo avanti nella comprensione della formazione della Glossa ordinaria alla Scrittura (…) la cura e l’ acribia metodologica con cui affronta il vaglio della tradizione manoscritta, ne fanno un modello per lo studio delle glossae agli altri libri del testo sacro.” (Riccardo Saccenti, dans la Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, 1-2. 2018, p. 381)
Alexander Andrée is an Associate Professor of Medieval Studies (Palaeography and Medieval Latin) in the University of Toronto. He holds a PhD in Latin philology from Stockholm University and a Licenciate in Mediaeval Studies from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. He has held fellowships in Rome and Oxford.
The Glosae super Iohannem, here printed for the first time, is a continuously-written commentary on the Gospel of John. Surviving in fourteen manuscripts from medieval France, England, Italy and Germany, the text is critically edited and analyzed as to authorship, composition, sources and later influence. Though mostly anonymously transmitted, through an assessment of external and internal evidence it is possible to restore the Glosae to Anselm of Laon (d. 1117), acclaimed teacher of the sacra pagina at the cathedral school of Laon in the early twelfth century. By substantially reorganizing and rewriting previous commentary material, Anselm crafted a unique compendium of the ‘best’ exegesis on the Gospel of John. Popular in its own right, the Glosae also served as primary source of the immensely popular Glossa, later known as the ‘ordinaria’, on the Fourth Gospel, thus extending even further the influence of its author and his school.