- Pages: 296 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin
- Publication Year:1990
- ISBN: 978-2-503-03711-0
- Hardback
- Available
Several years ago, a group of researchers from the Department of Latin of the University of Seville, under the direction of Professor J. Gil, undertook the task of editing the Latin chronicles of the Reconquest. Within a few years, work on a number of texts had been completed, among them editions of the Historia Compostellana by Prof. E. Falque and the Historia de rebus Hispaniae by Prof. J. Fernández Valverde, which have been published in the Corpus Christianorum (CC CM 70 and 72 respectively). This third volume has now appeared, dedicated to the Chronicles of the 12th century.
This volume contains editions of two biographies written in the 12th c.: the Historia Roderici, an account of the life and deeds of a great military leader, El Cid († 1099), edited by Prof. E. Falque, and the Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris, a work written in praise of a king, Alfonso VII († 1157) who, in emulation of his grandfather, Alfonso VI, did not hesitate to award himself the title of "emperador de Toledo y de León", this latter biography edited by Dr. A. Maya. However, this volume would have been incomplete without the inclusion of two poems, Carmen Campidoctoris and Prefatio de Almaria, dedicated to El Cid and to Alfonso VII by their contemporaries, following the most learned and Latinizing fashion on the time. Both poems have been edited by Prof. J. Gil, who has also written the prologue to the book.
The critical edition of each of these texts is preceded by an introduction dealing with the manuscripts and their transmission and commenting on previous editions, as well as placing the works in their literary and historical context. As is habitual in the editions of the Corpus Christianorum, the volume is completed by the usual indexes, unified in this case for the four texts, which will prove to be of great value, particularly the Index Nominum and Index locorum.
Chronica Hispana saeculi XII — Carmen Campidoctoris — ed. E. Falque, J. Gil, A. Maya
Chronica Hispana saeculi XII — Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris — ed. E. Falque, J. Gil, A. Maya
Chronica Hispana saeculi XII — Historia Roderici vel gesta Roderici Campidocti — ed. E. Falque, J. Gil, A. Maya
Chronica Hispana saeculi XII — Praefatio de Almaria — ed. E. Falque, J. Gil, A. Maya