Die Rede der lebendigen Seele
Ein manichäischer Hymnenzyklus in mittelpersischer und soghdischer Sprache
W. Sundermann
- Pages: 238 p.
- Size:210 x 297 mm
- Illustrations:12 b/w
- Language(s):German
- Publication Year:2012
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54627-8
- Paperback
- Available
"Wegen ihres Inhalts sind die von Werner Sundermann edierten Texte der iranischen Manichäer nicht nur für die Iranistik als wichtige Sprachquellen relevant, sondern auch für verschiedene andere Disziplinen, vornehmlich die Religionswissenschaft und im speziellen die Manichäismusforschung von Interesse." (Rüdiger Schmitt, in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 2014, 109 (4-5), p. 377-381)
"(...) one may express one's gratitude for Sundermann's painstaking reconstruction." (Johannes van Oort, in: Vigiliae Christianae, 68/3, 2014, p. 338-341)
« Le présent volume témoigne de l’excellence de l’expertise du feu auteur à la fois sur la religion manichéenne, la codicologie et paléographie de ces fragments (dont quelques-uns sont assez petits), et constitue une œuvre supplémentaire à mettre au compte de ses travaux sur la collection des manuscrits manichéens. » (Agnes Korn, in Abstracta Iranica, 34-35-36, 2017)
The ‘Speech of the Living Soul’ (gōwišn ī grīw zīndag) is the only Middle Persian verse-cycle extensively preserved in the Turfan Collection in Berlin. It constitutes an important Manichaean text dedicated to the central Manichaean concept of the Living Soul, the light trapped in the material world which desires to return to its proper place in the paradise of light and which the Manichaeans have a duty to save. The fact that the language of the text is Middle Persian rather than Parthian suggests that it may have been made during Mani's lifetime though perhaps not by Mani himself. A small part of a Sogdian translation is also preserved. This edition presents 252 verses of the text on the basis of 54 fragments, some of which have never been published before. The fragments reveal extensive passages of a carefully composed and elegant text but it has not been possible to establish the overall sequence of the preserved parts of the text.
The German-language edition comprises an extensive introduction to the contents of the text, a description of the fragments, a critical edition of the individual fragments, a complied text presenting the Middle Persian and Sogdian fragments with a German translation on facing pages, notes, a glossary, a bibliography, an English translation of the complied text and five plates showing selected fragments.
Will interest: Students of Manichaeism; of Central Asian history and cultures; of comparative religion; of Iranian languages and literatures.