- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2012
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54347-5
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Vladimir P. Goss, Political Iconography: Poster, Icon, Badge. An Introductory Note, Dino Milinović, Writing History, Shaping Images in Later Roman Empire, Davide Longhi, Regalità di Cristo e regalità di Teodorico nei mosaici di Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo a Ravenna, Marianne Sághy, Veste Regia Indutus: Representations of the Emperor in the Vita Martini, Galit Noga-Banai, Between Rome and Jerusalem: The Cross at the Center of a Herrscherbild Composition, Barbara Baert, The Antependium of Nedstryn and the Exultation of the Cross, Igor Fisković, Come identificare il re sul rilievo della iconografia regale del 11 secolo, Devis Valenti, L’iconografia del potere imperiale: Carlo Magno come “Novus Constantinus”, Xavier Barral i Altet, Edward rex: il contesto architettonico nella prima scena del ricamo di Bayeux, Laura Cleaver, Kings Behaving Badly: Images of Rulers in Gerald of Wales’ Works on Ireland (c.1200), Marta Serrano Coll, Art as a Means of Legitimization in the Kingdom of Aragon: Coronation Problems and Their Artistic Echos During the Reigns of James I and Peter IV, Olga Karaskova, Saint Bavon au service de l’héritage bourguignon: Philippe le Beau et sa propagande politique, Branislav Cvetković, Sovereign Portraits at Mark’s Monastery Revisited, Olga Vassilieva-Codognet, The Iconography of the Last World Emperor: A Study of a Late Fifteenth-Century Prophetic Image, György E. Szönyi, Concepts and Representations of Sovereignty on the English Renaissance Emblematic Stage, Steven Thiry, From Royal Representation to Scientific Aspiration: Charles V’s Columnar Device and the Dynamics of Appropriation (16th-18th Centuries), Pedro Paulo Palazzo, Architecture as Portrait: Exotism and the Royal Character of the Louvre (1380–1668).