Sacris Erudiri 50 (2011)
- Pages: 552 p.
- Size:165 x 245 mm
- Illustrations:2 col.
- Language(s):English, French, German
- Publication Year:2012
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53625-5
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Sacris Erudiri. Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity.
H. Rydell Johnsén, Documentation, Reconstruction and Deconstruction: Research on Female Virgins and Women Priests in Early Christianity since the 1960’s
M. Van Uytfanghe, L’origine et les ingrédients du discours hagiographique
I. Warburg, Escatología nal e intermedia en el poema Laudes Domini
M. DelCogliano, Basil of Caesarea’s Homily On Not Three Gods (CPG 2914): Problems and Solutions
G. Pipitone, Il dono e i poveri: La trattazione de beneficiis nel de officiis ministrorum di Ambrogio
S. Boodts, A new critical edition of Augustine’s sermo 170. With a tentative analysis of the stemmatic position of the De lapsu mundi collection
A. Eelen, Augustine and Phil. 3, 3-16: One bible fragment, several exegetical approaches
J. Amengual i Batle, El prólogo hagiográfico de la Carta de Severo de Menorca (418), primer testimonio de la llegada de los Hechos Apócrifos de San Juan a Occidente y las transformaciones del priscilianismo en la Tarraconense y Mediodía de las Galias
P.J. van Egmond, The Confession of Faith Ascribed to Caelestius
J. C. Martin, El tratado Item aliae quaestiones in quibus sunt nonnulle de Genesi conservado en Montecassino, Biblioteca dell’Abazia, 29. Edición y studio
A.B. Kraebel, Prophecy and poetry in the Psalms-commentaries of StBruno and the pre-scholastics
C. Giraud, Entre commentaire, sentence et glose : la « lettre sur la Cène dite de saint Anselme »
C. Wollin, Dactilico metro vacuus. Ein Epigramm über die Kastration des Petrus Abaelardus
Th. Haye, Ein südfranzösisches Klagelied zum Correctorium fratris Thomae des Wilhelm de la Mare
I. Cornet and R. Faesen, Christological Aspects of the Mystical Union with God in John of Ruusbroec and the Arnhem Mystical Sermons
Corpus Christianorum - Library and Knowledge Centre Ministerium Sermonis
Index codicum