Journal Sacris Erudiri, vol. 58

Sacris Erudiri 58 (2019)

  • Pages: vi + 375 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Illustrations:7 col.
  • Language(s):English, French, German
  • Publication Year:2020

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-58310-5
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available
    • Contains contributions in Open Access


    Thomas R. Karmann, “Alles habt ihr mit Grabmälern angefüllt …” Kaiser Julian und die Transformation spätantiker Funeralkultur

    Marina Giani, Inenarrabilia sunt Dominicae incarnationis mysteria. The Sermon on the Nativity in Porto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, Santa Cruz de Coimbra 31 (56)

    Giulio Malavasi, Sulla datazione dei Tractatus in psalmos 89 e 90 series altera di Gerolamo

    Matthieu Pignot, Ritual Performance and Christian Belonging: Signing Foreheads with the Cross in the Writings of Augustine of Hippo

    Matthias Smalbrugge, Augustine’s Reception of Augustine. How to Compare Images and How to Write History?

    H. A. G. Houghton, New Identifications Among the Sixth-Century Fragments of Augustine in Cambridge University Library

    Javier Soage, El códice Paris, lat. 5600 y cinco exposiciones anónimas

    Innocent Smith, o.p., 1 Timothy 2, 1 and the Expositiones Missae of Thomas Aquinas

    Anne Bagnall Yardley & Jesse D. Mann, The Prayer Life of a Fifteenth-Century English Priest: Winchester College MS 48

    Behind the Bishop’s Back. The Middle and Lower Clergy in Late Antiquity
    Papers collected by the Presbyters in the Late Antique West Project.
    Edited by Robert Wisniewski

    Robert Wisniewski, Introduction

    David G. Hunter, Ambrosiaster and Damasus: A Presbyter’s Perspective on Clerical Misconduct

    Juliette J. Day, Presbyters in Late Antique Women’s Monasteries: Roles, Responsibilities and Conflicts

    Jerzy Szafranowski, Behind the Abbot’s Back. Clerics within the Monastic Hierarchy

    Raúl Villegas Marín, Legimus supra magistrum non esse discipulum: Pope Celestine I, the “Augustinian Controversy”, and the Clerical cursus honorum

    Robert Wisniewski, The Last Shall Be Last: the Order of Precedence among Clergy in Late Antiquity

    Rebecca A. Devlin, Separating the Secular from the Spiritual: Wives, Sons and Clients of the Clergy in Late Antique Hispania

    Thomas Deswarte, Isidore of Seville and the Hispanic Order of Grades