Journal Sacris Erudiri, vol. 56

Sacris Erudiri 56 (2017)

  • Pages: 488 p.
  • Size:178 x 254 mm
  • Language(s):English, French, German
  • Publication Year:2018

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-57228-4
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available

    Sacris Erudiri. Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity.


    Mark DelCogliano, Basil of Caesarea’s Homily On Psalm 115 (CPG 2910): Origen and Anti-Eunomian Polemic 

    Luis J. Salés, Can These Bones Live? Gregory of Nyssa’s Appropriation of Aristotelian Psychology in On the Soul and the Resurrection

    François Dolbeau, Deux sermons d’Augustin pour des fêtes de martyrs.Édition critique des s. 285 et 306

    Richard W. Bishop & Nathalie Rambault, Severian of Gabala, In ascensionem et in principium Actorum (CPG 4187). Introduction and Critical Edition

    Jean-Marie Olivier, À propos du « Grand commentaire » d’Hésychius de Jérusalem (CPG 6554) au Psaume 71

    Ryan W. Strickler, A Dispute in Dispute: Revisiting the Disputatio cum Pyrrho Attributed to Maximus the Confessor (CPG 7698)

    Pietro Podolak, Per una futura edizione di Ugo Eteriano: censimento della tradizione manoscritta e problemi di cronologia. Con un’appendice sui codici che conservano i frammenti greci, di Alessandra Bucossi

    Pablo Acosta-García, "Notez bien, bonnes pucelles": A Complete Transcription of the French and Continental Latin Annotations of The Mirror of Simple Souls

    Techniques of compilation in late ancient and medieval historiography
    Edited by P. Van Nuffelen, E. Delacenserie, P. Manafis

    Alexander Meeus, Compilation or Tradition? Some Thoughts on the Methods of Historians and Other Scholars in Antiquity

    Emerance Delacenserie, Beyond the Compilation. The Two Historiae Tripartitae of Theodore Lector and Cassiodorus

    Marianna Mazzola, A "Woven-Texture" Narration: On the Compilation Method of the Syriac Renaissance Chronicles (Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries)

    Stephen H. Rapp Jr., The Making of Kʻartʻlis cʻxovreba, the So-Called Georgian Chronicles