The Emblem Tradition and the Low Countries
Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference, 18-23 August, 1996
K. Porteman, M. Van Vaeck, J. Manning (eds)
- Pages: 436 p.
- Size:160 x 235 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:1999
- ISBN: 978-2-503-50946-4
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57085-3
- E-book
- Available
This collection of essays demonstrates that the emblematic mode was more integrated into the literary and artistic culture in the Low Countries, and especially Antwerp and Amsterdam than anywhere else.
Antwerp and Amsterdam were among the most active publishing centres for emblematic forms in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Nowhere else was the emblematic mode more integrated into the literary and artistic culture than in the Low Countries. The essays are revised versions of papers presented at the Fourth International Emblem Conference held at Leuven in 1996. The table of contents provides an overview of the variety of topics and approaches represented in the volume.
The Emblem Tradition in the South Netherlands Ari Wesseling, ‘Testing Modern Emblem Theory: The Earliest Views of Genre (1564-1566)’; Dirk Geirnaert and Paul J. Smith, ‘The Sources of the Emblematic Fable Book De warachtighe fabulen der dieren (1567)’; Anne Buschhoff, ‘Zur gedanklichen Struktur der Amoris divini emblemata des Otto van Veen (Antwerpen 1615)’; Toon van Houdt, ‘The Governing of the Tongue: Language and Ethics in Erasmus' Lingua (1525) and Burgundia's Linguae vita et remedia (1631)’; Marcel de Smedt, ‘Emblems in an Eighteenth-Century Flemish Manuscript’
The Emblem Tradition in the Northern Netherlands
Ilja M. Veldman, ‘Love Emblems by Crispijn de Passe the Elder: Rollenhagen's Emblemata, 'Cupid's Bow’, ‘Youthful Pleasures' and Other 'Charming Useful' Prints'; Katrien A.L. Daemen-de Gelder, ‘H. Damman and the Emblems in Dirck Pietersz Pers’s Bellerophon (Amsterdam, 1614)’; Karl Enenkel, ‘A Leyden Emblem Book: Florentius Schoonhovius' Emblemata partim moralia, partim etiam civilia’; Karl Enenkel, ‘Ein holländischer Horaz: Florentius Schoonhovius' Poemata’; Jeroen Jansen, ‘The Emblem Theory and Audience of Jacob Cats’; Eddy K. Grootes, ‘Jan van der Veen's Zinne-beelden, oft Adams Appel (1642)’; Peter van der Coelen, ‘Emblemata Sacra? Biblical Picture Books and Emblem Literature’
The European Reception of the Low-Countries Emblem Tradition Paul J. Smith, ‘Fable and Emblem in The Fall of Man (1592) by Cornelis van Haarlem’; Mara R. Wade, ‘Simon de Pas and Karel van Mander III at the Court of King Christian IV: The Dutch Emblem to Polemic: Hollar’s Emblemata Nova’; Bernard Teyssandier, ‘La Galerie de M. De Gomberville ou la peinture sérieuse’
The Low-Countries Emblem Tradition and Applied Emblematics Ria Fabri, ‘Amor, amor divinus - anima, virtus: Emblematic Scenes on Seventeenth Century Antwerp Cabinets’; Ingrid Höpel, ‘Emblemprogramme auf nordfriesischen Bauernschränken des 18. Jahrhunderts’