Lisiardus, Hariulfus
Vitae, Miracula, Translatio et alia Hagiographica sancti Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis
R.I.A. Nip (ed)
- Pages: 356 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin, English
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-05301-1
- Hardback
- Available
"Un modèle d'édition critique." (D. Misonne, dans: Revue bénédictine, 2015/2, p. 455)
"This reviewer has no specific remarks to make on the edition itself, which, as to be expected, is exemplary in both presentation and contents." (Steven Vanderputten, in The Medieval Review 16.02.03)
«La présentation très claire du dossier et les belles éditions qui ont tenu compte des textes versifiés si souvent négligés par les historiens, ont enfin rendu accessibles des sources importantes pour l’histoire de la Flandre. Une concordance qui met en parallèle les deux premières Vies, des notes, un index des noms et des lieux ainsi qu’un registre des passages bibliques cités devraient satisfaire tous les historiens et philologues qui ont recours à ce livre. Espérons qu’ils seront nombreux à s’en inspirer pour d’autres présentations de textes hagiographiques ou pour utiliser les éditions dans leurs travaux sur la Flandre et le nord de la France.» (Klaus Krönert, dans Francia-Recensio, 2, 2016)
"Neben dem historischen Wert der Texte, die um die Gestalt des hl. Arnulf entstanden sind, weisen sie philologische und literarische Besonderheiten auf, die einerweiteren Untersuchung wert wären. Dank der neuen Edition, die das gesamte Corpus trotz aller Monenda gut lesbar aufbereitet hat, ist dies nun möglich." (Mechthild Pörnbacher, in: Editionen in der Kritik, 9 [Berliner Beiträge zur Editionswissenschaft, 17], 2017, p. 137-139)
« En somme, R. N. livre ici l’édition critique de référence d’un dossier hagiographique complexe. Son travail de longue haleine remplace définitivement des éditions antérieures. » (Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, dans de la Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, 3-4, 2018, p. 982)
Until her retirement in 2014, Renée Nip was a Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). She has published widely on the historiography and hagiography of the Low Countries, especially Flanders. Her studies on the hagiographic sources with regard to St Arnulf of Oudenburg and his cult are the basis of this volume. Also, she has participated in the construction of the database The Narrative Sources from the Medieval Low Countries (www.narrative-sources.be). Her recent publications concern the medieval history of the north-east of the Netherlands, and religious-cultural history in particular.
The hagiographers Lisiard and Hariulf pictured St Arnulf, Bishop of Soissons and supposed founder of the Abbey of Oudenburg in Flanders (d. 1087), as a peacemaker. During his life, the holy man fell victim to the struggle for power between secular and ecclesiastical princes. Also Lisiard and Hariulf witnessed a great deal of violence as the result of the Investiture Controversy and communal revolts. Shortly after St Arnulf’s death, Lisiard started to compose the saint’s Life, which Hariulf adapted in the first decades of the twelfth century. Both worked together to achieve his canonization, which was realized in 1121. This volume makes available some important narrative sources for the history of Flanders and Northern France in the eleventh and twelfth century. In particular, these present an interesting insight into ideas on power and violence in theory and practice. Besides, the texts in a modern edition provide the means of enlarging our understanding of hagiographic methods.
Anonymus monachus Aldenburgensis (dubium an Johannes de Biervliet) — Miracula metrica (post transitum beati Arnulphi facta) — ed. R. Nip
Anonymus monachus Aldenburgensis (ut videtur) — Carmen et orationes Arnulpho episcopo Suessionensi dicendae — ed. R. Nip
Anonymus monachus Aldenburgensis (ut videtur) — Hymnus 'Pange lingua' (in honorem Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis ad exemplum hymni a Venantio Fortunato confectus) — ed. R. Nip
Hagiographica medii aevi — Genealogia sancti Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis — ed. R. Nip
Hagiographica medii aevi — Sermo de vita sancti Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis — ed. R. Nip
Hariulfus Aldenburgensis — Epistulae III — ed. R. Nip
Hariulfus Aldenburgensis et Lisiardus Suessionensis — Miracula et translatio Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis (id est: Vita Arnulphi, editio altera, liber III) — ed. R. Nip
Hariulfus Aldenburgensis revisor 'Vitae' quam scripsit Lisiardus Suessionensis — Vita Arnulfi episcopi Suessionensis, vita aucta et redacta (editio altera, libri I et II) — ed. R. Nip
Lisiardus Suessionensis — Vita Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis, editio prior (sec. textum quem vulgavit Laurentius Surius anno 1573) — ed. R. Nip
Lisiardus Suessionensis — Vita Arnulphi episcopi Suessionensis, editio prior — ed. R. Nip