- Pages: lix + 702 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Latin
- Publication Year:2018
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57567-4
- Hardback
- Available
“Ad ogni modo, Eva Odelman ha preparato un’ottima edizione delle prediche di fra Nicola d’Haqueville, offrendo al pubblico un testo corretto, corredato di dettagliati indici (delle citazioni bibliche e di altre fonti) che permette ora lo studio del pensiero teologico di questo frate minore e del suo influsso per i suoi contemporanei e per i posteri.” (Aleksander Horowski, in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 112, 2019, p. 685)
"Eva Odelman hat mit der vorliegenden Predigtedition glanzvoll unter Beweis gestellt, dass sich auch umfangreiche, in einer großen Zahl von Handschriften überlieferte Predigtcorpora in einem überschaubaren Zeitrahmen edieren lassen. Zu wünschen bleibt, dass nun auch weitere dieser einflussreichen (spät-)mittelalterlichen Gebrauchstexte ihren Editor finden mögen." (Ralf Lützelschwab, in Sehepunkte, 20.9, 2020)
“This edition is handsomely produced by Brepols, maintaining the high quality of the series, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio mediaevalis. It will be warmly welcomed by students of the medieval Church in general and those who focus on preaching in 13th century France. It bursts with themes culled from the concerns of preachers in the 13th century. It will be of special interest to members of the Franciscan tradition on account of its materials for preaching.” (Michael Robson, dans Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique, 115, 2020, p. 829)
“(...) une version très agréablement consultable des textes, servie par le soin habituel apporté aux mises en pages dans la collection du CCCM.” (Nicole Beriou, in Mitellateinisches Jahrbuch, 56/1, 2021, p. 167)
« En conclusion, le travail proposé ici par l’a. donne à lire une importante collection de sermons (…) On ne peut qu’espérer la multiplication de telles éditions, car au regard de l’ampleur du stock documentaire les sermons latins restent finalement très peu édités. » (Marjorie Burghart, in Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 253, 2021, p. 87)
Eva Odelman obtained a PhD from Stockholm University, where she was Assistant Professor from 1976 onwards, and Professor from 2000 onwards. She was editor of the Glossarium mediae Latinitatis Sueciae 1974–2009 and has participated in various projects at Stockholm and Uppsala universities since 1973, e.g. in the Corpus Troporum project and in two projects on medieval model sermons. She has edited numerous medieval texts from Sweden and was researcher in the Ars Edendi programme at Stockholm University (2008-2015).
This volume presents a semi-critical edition of the collection of model sermons entitled Sermones moralissimi de tempore by the French Franciscan Nicolaus de Aquaevilla, who lived in the late thirteenth century. It contains sixty sermons for ordinary Sundays and for the great Christological feasts. Collections of model sermons entail specific editorial problems due to their large size and fluid character as well as the high number of textual witnesses. Adopting a pragmatic method, this edition publishes one influential version on the basis of an incunable (printed shortly before 1480), while variants from three manuscripts are recorded in the critical apparatus.