Latin in Byzantium I
Late Antiquity and Beyond
Alessandro Garcea, Michela Rosellini, Luigi Silvano (eds)
- Pages: 564 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Illustrations:22 b/w
- Language(s):English, French, Italian
- Publication Year:2019
- ISBN: 978-2-503-58492-8
- Hardback
- Available
"Le latin à Byzance" est un projet sur la compétence linguistique, sur l'identité culturelle et sur la transmission des textes latins dans la "noua Roma", entre les IVᵉ et IXᵉ siècles.
“Although much has been written about Greek studies in the West and the reception of the Greek language in Europe, the reverse phenomenon, i.e. the Latin knowledge of Greeks, seems unexplored. This volume is an excellent contribution to this field and reveals to us that Latin (...) played an important role in Byzantine literature as well.” (Vasileios Pappas, in: Mediterranean Chronicle, 9, 2019, p. 257-263)
“Tutto il volume merita, tuttavia, una lettura attenta per la grande varietà dei problemi presi in considerazione e per la scrupolosità con cui le trattazioni sono svolte nei singoli contributi.” (Leonardo De Santis, in: Medioevo Greco, 20, 2020, p. 409-410.)
“Latin in Byzantium I è un volume importante, destinato a restare un punto di riferimento per lo studio multiprospettico delle forme della circolazione e della presenza del latino nel contesto multilingue e multiculturale dell’Oriente della Tarda Antichità (con propaggini fino all’età moderna). È un volume importante per il metodo con il quale i tre curatori hanno strutturato il loro progetto – progetto di ricerca, prima, con una serie di incontri scientifici e progetto editoriale, ora – e per la sperimentata sinergia disciplinare nell’analisi della questione.” (Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, in: Bolletino di Studi Latini, 50, 2020, p. 839-840)
« On ne peut que saluer cette initiative novatrice et prometteuse qui jette un regard neuf sur la présence du latin a Byzance. L’originalité de cet ouvrage réside dans le croisement des regards : il y est question de la langue latine dans tous ses états, allant de la connaissance du latin parlé jusqu’à son enseignement ou son usage par la chancellerie impériale. De par la qualité des contributions et leur approche transversale, le présent volume ouvrira la voie à de nouvelles recherches sur les traces de l’héritage romain dans le monde byzantin. » (Anna Lampadaridi, dans: Revue des études byzantines, 79, 2021, p. 358)
“Latin was the official language of the law and the army in both East and West until Justinian's reign. Yet today's scholarly consensus is that the vast majority of Easterners, including most churchmen and intellectuals, knew little if any Latin. This volume, seemingly the first book on the subject, is welcome for providing evidence to help resolve this apparent paradox.” (Warren Treadgold, in: The Classical Review 71, 2021, p. 210)
Alessandro Garcea is Full Professor of Latin language and literature at Sorbonne Université.
Michela Rosellini is Associate Professor of Latin literature at the University of Rome-La Sapienza.
Luigi Silvano is Associate Professor of Classical philology at the University of Turin.
‘Latin in Byzantium’ explores the linguistic competence, cultural identity, and transmission of Latin texts in the ‘noua Roma’ between the fourth and the ninth centuries. Drawing together texts from a number of fields (e.g., law, grammar, religion, and tactics) and across a range of different forms (e.g., palaeographic, epigraphic, and papyrological), this important project provides scholars for the first time with an in-depth knowledge of both the Latin-speaking milieux in Byzantium, and of the contexts in which Latin was used. Crucially, the ancient sources studied in this volume are also analysed in their broader political and sociological context, providing rich material for study across different disciplines and making this volume an important resource for closing the gaps between literary and non-literary texts, history, and philology.
Rhomaika: Una introduzione – Guglielmo Cavallo
General Framework
Desuetudine longa… subeunt verba latina : The Transition From Late Antique to Medieval Byzantium and the Fall of Latin – Luigi Silvano
Latin in Byzantium: Different Forms of Linguistic Contact – Alessandro Garcea
Latin in the Empire: Texts and People
La pratique du latin dans l’Égypte de l’Antiquité tardive – Jean-Luc Fournet
The Use of Latin in the Context of Multilingual Monastic Communities in the East – Claudia Rapp
Writing Latin in Late Antique Constantinople – Gabriel Nocchi Macedo
The Laws of the Language and the Language of the Laws
La lingua degli Ἰταλοί. Conoscenza e uso del latino nell’Oriente greco di iv secolo attraverso l’opera di Libanio – Andrea Pellizzari
Asymmetric Exchange: Latin Speakers Learning Greek and Greek Speakers Learning Latin in Late Antiquity. On the Evidence of Grammars and Bilingual Texts – Juan Signes Codoñer
L’insegnamento di Prisciano – Michela Rosellini – Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Sur un silence de Jean le Lydien – Marc Baratin
Justinianus Latinograecus. Language and Law during the Reign of Justinian – Thomas Ernst van Bochove
Latin as a Medium at the Service of the Power
Le rituel des acclamations : de Rome à “Byzance” – Frédérique Biville
L’univers grec et latin d’un poète africain : Corippe et Byzance – Vincent Zarini
Latin Inscriptions in (Early) Byzantium – Andreas Rhoby
Latin Texts as Sources
La traduction du latin en grec à Byzance : un aperçu général – Bruno Rochette
Modelli latini per poemi greci? Sulla possibile influenza di autori latini sulla poesia epica tardoantica – Gianfranco Agosti
Latin and the Chronicon Paschale – Christian Gastgeber
Sulla conoscenza del latino nell’Oriente romano nel periodo tra Maurizio ed Eraclio (582-641): il caso degli storici-funzionari e di Giovanni di Antiochia – Umberto Roberto
Latinismi e cultura letteraria nei frammenti di Pietro Patrizio: per un’indagine sul De cerimoniis e sugli Excerpta Historica Constantiniana – Laura Mecella
Latin Literature in Johannes Malalas’s Chronicle – Olivier Gengler
Appunti per un lessico grecolatino tardoantico: la traduzione latina di Gregorio di Nazianzo trasmessa dal Laur. S. Marco 584 – Alessandro CaponeLatin Vocabulary Transmitted across Space and Time
On the Use of Latin Legal Terminology in the Byzantine Legal Treatise De actionibus – José-Domingo Rodríguez Martín
Per lo studio dei rapporti tra istituzioni di giustiniano e libri basilici – Massimo Miglietta
Latinité cachée à Constantinople (VIe – moitié XIIIe siècles) – Peter Schreiner
I latinismi nella lingua greca moderna – Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis
Index of Names
Index of Places