Disticha sancti Ambrosii
Introduzione, testo criticamente riveduto, traduzione e commento
Francesco Lubian
- Pages: 264 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Italian, Latin
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57124-9
- Hardback
- Available
The first edition with introduction, translation and commentary of the 21 Disticha attributed to Ambrose of Milan.
“Das Buch ist eine anerkennenswerte Leistung und ein sehr nützliches Arbeitsinstrument. Es bringt erstmals die ambrosianischen Tituli zu voller Geltung (…) Es steht zu hoffen, daß diese Bildepigramme nun auch seitens der Christlichen Archäologie die verdiente Beachtung finden.” (Christian Gnilka, in Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 60, 2017, p. 151)
Francesco Lubian is a Doctor Europaeus in 'Poetry and Culture of the Latin and Greek Late Antiquity' and currently an OeADs 'Ernst Mach' Post-Doc Stipendiat at the University of Vienna. His studies are mainly devoted to prose (Arnobius, Sulpicius Severus) and poetic production (Prudentius, Sedulius, Cyprianus Gallus, Rusticus Helpidius, Arator) from the Latin Late Antiquity. His work on the Disticha Ambrosii was awarded the 2017 "Premio delle Pontificie Accademie".
This book represents the first monographic work dedicated to the Disticha attributed to Ambrose of Milan, a cycle of twenty-one hexametrical distichs whose aim is the description and explanation of pictured narratives from the Old and the New Testament. After an introduction which enlightens all aspects of the epigrammatic cycle (transmission, paternity, debts towards previous Latin poetry, Fortleben, hypothesis of reconstruction), the author provides a revised text, a new Italian translation, and a detailed philological, textual, exegetical and iconographic commentary to the Disticha.