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Antiochene Studies

Editors: Andrea U. De Giorgi Gunnar Brands
Publishing Manager: Rosie Bonté
List of Publications

Method of peer review
at least two single-blind reviews undertaken by a specialist member of the Board and/or external specialists

Antioch, Crusader, Ottoman, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, Antakya, Hatay, Mosaics, Sieges, Seleucid, From the Hellenistic to the Ottoman epochs

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The series brings into focus Antioch on the Orontes, one of the largest cities of the ancient world and the ‘hinge’ between eastern and western cultures. Founded towards the end of the fourth century bc, this ancient site was in its heyday one of the chief cities of the Near East, a centre of trade, politics and religion that played a crucial role as the so-called ‘cradle of Christianity’, and that changed the course of history from the Seleucid to the Ottoman epochs. Antiochene Studies provides a forum through which fresh, innovative research, and new scholarly perspectives on the important site of Antioch can be presented to a wider audience. Volumes published within the series are encouraged to cross disciplinary and chronological boundaries in exploring the history, archaeology, and visual culture of the city, as well as dealing with the vast quantity of legacy data from the site. Welcoming both monographs and edited collections, the series encourages research that not only expands our understanding of Antioch as an important cultural, political, and religious centre across the ages, but that also fills a significant gap in scholarship by illustrating the materiality of the city through in-depth analyses of its monumental feats, their agencies, and literary records.


    General Editors

    Gunnar Brands, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle Wittenberg

    Andrea U. De Giorgi, Florida State University

    Editorial Board

    Jim Crow, University of Edinburgh

    Asa Eger, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

    Julia Gearhart, Princeton University

    Dimitri Gondicas, Princeton University

    John Haldon, Princeton University

    Hartmut Leppin, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main

    Philipp von Rummel, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin

    Claudia Tiersch, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

    Ulrich Weferling, Hochschule für Technik, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Leipzig


    Main Language: English
    Additional Languages: German, French

    Single-blind undertaken by (a) specialist member(s) of the Board or (an) external specialist(s)

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

    Author guidelines:

    Submissions should be sent to:
    De Giorgi Andrea,