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XIX: Studies in 19th-Century Art and Visual Culture

Editors: Jan Dirk Baetens Marjan Sterckx Herwig Todts
Publishing Manager: Johan Van der Beke
List of Publications

ISSN 2736-7487

Method of peer review
single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Art History, 19 th Century, worldwide, Visual Arts, Artists, Cultural History, Painting, Sculpture, Artistic Influences

Accepted Language(s):
French, German, English


XIX. Studies in Nineteenth-Century Art and Visual Culture is a series of scholarly volumes dedicated to western art and visual culture of the ‘long’ nineteenth century. Its aim is to make new and innovative scholarly research as well as unpublished archival documents available, through the publication of mono-authored and multi-authored books as well as scholarly editions of original source material. XIX is edited by Jan Dirk Baetens (Radboud University Nijmegen), Marjan Sterckx (Ghent University), and Herwig Todts (Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp). The international advisory board consists of curators and academics active in the field of nineteenth-century art and includes Saskia de Bodt (University of Utrecht and University of Amsterdam), Michel Draguet (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and Free University Brussels), Rachel Esner (University of Amsterdam), Sura Levine (Hampshire College), Jenny Reynaerts (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam), Chris Stolwijk (Netherlands Institute for Art History and Utrecht University), Petra ten-Doesschate Chu (Seton Hall University), Jo Tollebeek (University of Leuven), and Wessel Krul (University of Groningen).


    Series Editors
    Jan Dirk Baetens, Radboud University Nijmegen
    Marjan Sterckx, Ghent University
    Herwig Todts, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp

List of publications

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Antoine Wiertz (1806–65) and the Quest for Modern Genius

The Reverse of the Sublime Bram van Oostveldt, Stijn Bussels, Caroline Van Eck (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60473-2 XIX 7 | 2025 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Bohemian Visual Culture in fin-de-siècle Norway

Scenes from Christian Krohg’s Studio Øystein Sjåstad
ISBN 978-2-503-60618-7 XIX 8 | 2024 € 110,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Private Collectors in Brussels, Antwerp, and Ghent, ca. 1780-1914

Between Public Relevance and Personal Pleasure Ulrike Müller
ISBN 978-2-503-60619-4 XIX 9 | 2024 € 150,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Disrupting Schools: Transnational Art Education in the 19th Century

France Nerlich, Eleonora Vratskidou (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-57031-0 XIX 2 | 2022 € 115,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

The Aesthetics of Reaction

Tradition, Faith, Identity, and the Visual Arts in France, 1900-1914 Neil McWilliam
ISBN 978-2-503-59157-5 XIX 5 | 2021 € 135,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Sculpting Abroad

Nationality and Mobility of Sculptors in the Nineteenth Century Marjan Sterckx, Tom Verschaffel (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58027-2 XIX 3 | 2020 € 95,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

Making Waves: Crosscurrents in the Study of Nineteenth-Century Art

Laurinda Dixon, Gabriel P. Weisberg (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-58440-9 XIX 4 | 2020 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)

James Ensor, Occasional Modernist

Ensor’s Artistic and Social Ideas and the Interpretation of his Art Herwig Todts
ISBN 978-2-503-57030-3 XIX 1 | 2019 € 89,63 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback)